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sixty, disappointment

hi austin! i'm in new york for the
weekend if you'd like to grab some coffee

of course, meet in 15 minutes
at black fox coffee?

sounds good, see you then! (:

harry's concert was starting soon and there was no sight of austin. jenny lewis had just finished performing and they were now waiting for harry to come on.

jackie and andrew had arrived minutes prior and were confused to see austin was not with elsie.

"have you texted him?" jackie asked as she glanced over at her sister.

"yeah and he said he'd be here and that was almost three hours ago." elsie frowned before her phone went off, signaling she had gotten a text.

she quickly opened her phone and read the message, the smile on her face falling as she read the words on her screen.

"is it austin?" andrew asked from beside jackie.

"yeah." elsie muttered as she reread the message again.

"what did he say?" jackie asked.

"he's not coming." elsie stated dryly as she turned her phone off and slipped it in her back pocket.

"what? why? he promised he would." jackie frowned, slightly disappointed.

"he's catching up with an old friend. he lost track of time and wouldn't make it here in time." elsie shrugged.

"you still have an extra ticket, ellie. why don't you invite someone else?" jackie suggested as she rubbed her sisters back.

"like who? timmy and z are busy with fine." elsie asked her sister.

"how about dove? shouldn't she be back from california?" jackie asked causing elsie to smile.

"yeah, she is." elsie breathed out as she unlocked her phone and began calling her friend.

"hi babe!" dove exclaimed excitedly causing a smile to appear on elsie's face.

"hi dovie! are you busy tonight?" elsie asked nervously.

"no, why?" dove asked.

"i have an extra ticket for harry's concert tonight if you're free." elsie informed her.

"i'm totally free." dove responded as she began to get ready.

"great. it's halloween themed, so dress up in whatever costume you can put together quickly."

"okay, i'll see you soon!" dove smiled before the two ended the call.

"what did she say?" jackie asked as she glanced over at her sister.

"she's coming." elsie smiled excitedly.

"yay!" jackie cheered causing elsie to chuckle at her sisters childish antics.


dove had arrived a few minutes before harry had come on stage dressed as cher from clueless while elsie was dressed as cat woman, jackie as wonder woman and andrew as spider-man.

the lights soon went out as cheers erupted throughout the stadium as a video played on the screen.

elsie jumped up excitedly as she cheered along with the fans as the intro video played.

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