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ninety-six, detrimental

so far, austin hadn't approached elsie and she was grateful.

all she wanted was to have a fun time with her boyfriend, her cast mates and her friends.

that's all she wanted and so far, she was getting that.

"have you seen any of your friends?" hayden asked as the two sat down at their table with the rest of their sinner's desire cast.

"no but i think i'm going to go and take a walk around the room and say hi to some people." she informed him softly.

"okay, i'll be here with everyone." he smiled before the two kissed each other softly.

once they pulled away, elsie got up from her seat and began to make her way around the room.

"elsie, my love!" she turned to see dove walking towards her with a bright smile.

"hi dovey!" elsie exclaimed excitedly as she wrapped her arms around her friend.

"you look absolutely stunning!" she gasped as she admired elsie's appearance.

"are you kidding? you look phenomenal!" elsie gushed with a bright smile.

"oh, stop it." dove blushed as she let out a small chuckle.

"how are you? last time we talked was your birthday party." dove asked with a small smile.

"i've been really good! i finally finished recording my second album and i announced that it'll be released on august 17th!" she smiled excitedly.

"i feel like a proud mom right now." dove remarked as she pretended to wipe away fake tears.

"oh, stop it." elsie retorted as she moved dove's hands away from her face.

"but to much serious manners, you'll never believe who tried to talk to me." she gasped.

"oh my god, who?" elsie asked.

"your good for nothing ex boyfriend." dove remarked in disgust.

"oh god, what did he want?" elsie asked with disbelief.

"he was actually asking for you, which i found shocking because 1, why would i tell him where you were? and 2, why did he think he could talk to me after what he did to you?" dove remarked as she made hand gestures with her hands.

"the actual nerve! you know, he's been commenting on my instagram posts more frequently?" she asked as celebrities walked past them.

"sadly, i've noticed his presence." dove sighed in disappointment.

"do you think they broke up?" elsie asked after thinking to herself for a few moments.

"i wouldn't be surprised. serves them right for going behind your back like that." dove shrugged before they were greeted by jackie and andrew.

"there's my favorite engaged couple!" she exclaimed as she brought the two into a warm embrace.

"how's wedding planning?" she asked.

"we didn't realize how exhausting it would be to plan a wedding in nine months." andrew sighed as jackie rolled her eyes.

"we're practically done with planning. i just need to finalize some desserts and my hair and makeup but that's pretty much it." jackie smiled.

"i'm so happy for the two of you! you're perfect for each other." dove gushed.

"thank you, dove. does that mean i can count on you being a bridesmaid?" jackie asked softly.

cardigan, a. butlerWhere stories live. Discover now