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twenty-eight, stating the truth

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ELSIEVERONA rumors and false accusations can spread like wildfire and over the last couple of days, i have witnessed that first hand. as a celebrity in the spotlight, it's very hard to keep relationships private and when relationships are brought to the media, it can be ruined by the snap of a finger. my character has been slandered by the media over the last couple of days over an accusation that was not proven true and it's not true at all. luke and i have not spoken to each other since the breakup. the only time we did was when he congratulated me on getting a role of a lifetime. other than that, we have had no contact and we didn't have any reason to keep contact. along with not speaking to luke, i have not seen or spoken to the other boys of 5sos due to respecting luke. on the weekend of july 23, luke and i did run into each other at a target in australia but that was it. we caught up and that was it. there was no flirting. due to this small interaction, i have had death threats filling up my requests and it has taken a toll on not only myself but my family as well. i never in my life thought that i would have to address rumors and accusations like these but once it concerns my family, i have to step in. please stop believing everything you read online unless it's from a reliable resource. not one that profits off of the slandering of celebrities. i am and never will be a homewrecker. cheating is not something i take lightly along with the slut shaming of women. to everyone reading, this is elsie verona and she's signing off. xoxo.

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elsie >>> luke 🤭

elsie and harry collabing on harry's house? 🫣

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