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ninety-two, treat you better

filming for sinners desire had finally wrapped up and elsie was sad to say the least.

she had grown amazing friendships with jacob, emma and hero throughout their time together.

the four often went out for drinks or dinner after filming and if they didn't, they were in elsie's hotel room just talking to each other.

if you had told elsie four months ago that she'd grow attachments to her cast mates, she would've laughed in your face.

she had grown lifelong friendships with her cast and she even found herself learning how to trust people again.

this movie had brought more blessings to her life than she ever thought possible.

one of them being hayden.

throughout their time together, he was awfully sweet to her and gave her the best advice along with being her biggest supporter.

she didn't think that she'd find someone after austin but hayden was proving her wrong.

he was like her knight in shining armor and she was falling for him.

elsie had promised herself that she wouldn't fall for another one of her costars but here she was failing miserably.

it warmed elsie's heart seeing the way hayden was with his daughter and with padfoot.

he was gentle and kind towards the two and it made elsie feel things she hadn't felt since austin and it scared her.

she didn't want to go through what she went through with luke and austin again.

she was done being the one getting hurt.

"do you have everything packed?" jackie asked from the phone that was propped up on elsie's nightstand.

"just about." elsie answered as padfoot ran around the room with his toy.

"how do you think padfoot will handle the flight?"

"hopefully good because i'm just about ready to knock out on the flight." elsie laughed causing jackie to laugh as well.

"when does your flight board?" jackie asked softly.

"in about two hours. hayden and i are leaving around the same time." elsie explained softly.

"speaking of hayden, how are things going between you two?" jackie smirked causing elsie to roll her eyes.

"we're just friends, jackie." elsie huffed as she closed her suitcase.

"yeah and i'm single. let's not deny the obvious. there's feelings between the two of you. we all saw it at your party, that he threw by the way." jackie pointed out.

"okay, i might have feelings for him but how do i know he has feelings for me? what if this is all one sided and you were completely delusional?" elsie retorted.

"okay, one, i'm never wrong. two, he's crazy about you elsie. you don't see the way he looks at you but i do. he looks at you as if you're the only one in the room. it's definitely not one sided."

"maybe i'm just overthinking everything." elsie sighed as she rubbed her hand over her face.

"which is understandable considering everything you've gone through." jackie reassured her sister.

"yeah." elsie sighed. "how's the dear fiancé?" elsie remarked causing jackie to roll her eyes.

"he's out with a few friends. he's asking them to be his groomsmen." jackie informed elsie causing her to nod.

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