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seventy-eight, reuniting

sun peeked through the curtains of elsie's window as she laid sound asleep in her bed.

her hair was tied into a messy bun and her hands rested underneath her pillow as she faced the window, unfazed by the small amount of light hitting her face.

small snores escaped past her lips, the girl being absolutely exhausted from the previous day of filming.

she had been on set from five thirty in the morning until close to two fourty-five at night.

her feet ached and all she wanted was to be in the comfort of her bed while she watched teen wolf.

it felt weird to not be celebrating her birthday with her sister.

every birthday prior to this one, she spent it with jackie and now she felt empty without her sister by her side.

typically, jackie would wake elsie up by jumping on her bed while singing happy birthday at the top of her lungs, which annoyed the fuck out of elsie.

but elsie forgave her sister when she had spotted the freshly baked strawberry cake on her desk.

elsie felt that she took her time with her sister for granted and now she was wishing more than anything to spend more time with her sister.

she missed their traditions and it made time apart from the other dreadful.

which is why elsie didn't expect much celebration for her twenty-fourth birthday.

without her friends and family here in london with her, there weren't many reasons to celebrate.

her cast mates nigh wish her a happy birthday and all but she knew they would be too busy with filming to have an actual celebration.

little did elsie know of the plans ahead of her.

as elsie slept peacefully in her bed, jacob entered the room with a strawberry cake in hand as he tiptoed towards elsie.

he gently set the cake on elsie's bedside table before sitting down next to her and shaking her lightly.

elsie's blue eyes stirred open before she was met with jacobs smiling face.

"morning birthday girl." he smiled as elsie rubbed her eyes.

"morning jake." elsie yawned as she sat up before she looked beside her to see the cake sitting on the beside table.

"happy birthday elsie." he wished her causing a small smile to appear on her face.

"did jackie tell you about our birthday tradition?" she asked.

"she did which is why i ordered a strawberry cake for you to somewhat feel at home. as for the other part of the tradition, i didn't think you'd want to be woken up like that by me."

"or you were too afraid that you'd hit your head on the ceiling." she remarked jokingly.

"that too." he retorted as a laugh escaped past his lips.

"how does it feel to be twenty five?" he asked as elsie leaned onto her headboard.

"it feels the same as every year. the only thing that's different is that i'm in england while my family is in new york." elsie shrugged before she looked down at her phone to see it was nearly noon.

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