one hundred & fifty-three

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one hundred & fifty-three, oscars

elsie had never been as nervous as she was now, standing in her hotel room as she slipped on the dress she would be wearing for the oscar's.

it was the night that would define her for the rest of her life. it was the night every actor and actress dreamed of achieving in their career.

the british actress wore a black sequined dress that hugged her figure perfectly while her hair was pinned up.

her lips wore a red lip as her blue eyes were complimented by the dark liner surrounding them.

it all felt like a dream to elsie.

how was she nominated for two of the most prestigious awards an actor can win?

how did she manage to do that within two years from her acting hiatus?

it was all confusing to elsie because actresses across the world wished for a moment like this and somehow elsie had received two nominations for two different movies she had put out in the last year.

the girl felt undeserving of her nominations, claiming she was far too young to have been nominated and thought there were others much more deserving than her.

the only person who could bring sense to her was austin.

throughout the week they had spent together prior to tonight, he had reassured her that she was more than deserving for her nominations and that she had done a fantastic job on both projects.

austin knew how hard the last two years had been for her and the fact that elsie had not only starred in two movies but she had put out two albums, another releasing in a month and she was almost done filming for the corpse bride, was amazing.

he was beyond proud of how hard she had worked the last two years and wished that she saw how talented and deserving she was for the recognition she was receiving.

but until she accepted the fact that she deserved every recognition she was receiving, he would reassure her everyday and remind her just how talented and amazing she was.

"this feels surreal." elsie confessed as she glanced over at florence.

the two would be walking the carpet together but would be sitting away from each other.

elsie would be sitting with austin since they both starred in elvis together and were both nominated.

this put elsie a little at ease knowing that she'd be next to two of her favorite people in the entire world on an important night like tonight.

"i know. are you feeling nervous?" florence asked as the two stood in the elevator, waiting to reach the lobby level.

"i feel as if my heart will beat out of my chest." elsie sighed as she leaned against the wall of the elevator.

"you are a very talented actor, elsie. if you do not win tonight, you still have your entire career ahead of you. you are only 26, you are still young." florence reminded her friend with a comforting smile.

"i know but i never realized how much i actually wanted to win those awards until tonight." elsie admitted with a shameful expression.

"and there is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to win, elsie. you worked extremely hard on these movies and deserve every bit of success coming your way. no matter what happens tonight, i am extremely proud of the person you've become and i will always be here to cheer you on. now, stop worrying and let's have the time of our life!" florence exclaimed causing elsie to laugh, easing her nerves.

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