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eighteen, surprise surprise

thursday evening had come soon enough and elsie was beyond excited to get to her hotel and take a long, well-deserved shower.

the amount of makeup she had on killed her and she knew if she didn't take it off soon, she'd break out.

elsie plopped herself in her chair as she was handed a makeup wipe by roxanne.

"looks like you're almost done filming, elsie. you have about two more scenes left." roxanne informed her as she typed away on her phone.

"already? it feels like i just got here." elsie gasped, not realizing how much time had passed since she first started filming.

"time flies when you're having fun." roxanne pointed out with a small smirk.

"why are you smirking at me like that?" elsie asked as she wiped away the makeup that was on her face.

"no reason. i'm just really proud of you. most actors find it difficult to find work after taking a hiatus but you were able to seal two big movie deals and were able to finish filming jurassic world and stranger things 4 without any interruptions."

"you are the most talented actress i know and i'm glad i have the privilege of being your manager." roxanne told elsie sincerely.

"and i wouldn't have done all of that without you, roxie. all my success is because of you and i'll always be grateful for all of the opportunities you've given me." elsie smiled before she climbed out of her chair.

"i should head back to my trailer and wash my face before my skin reacts to the makeup but i'll see you monday." elsie told her before she made her way towards her trailer.

"god, i need a shower." elsie huffed as she opened the door to her trailer and stepped in.

elsie made her way to her bathroom before she gently washed her face.

it felt nice to have the cold water splash against her face as it washed away a days worth of makeup that had been reapplied over ten times.

"ellie? you in here?" austin yelled as he walked into elsie's trailer.

"yeah, just washing my face!" she yelled out as she rinsed off her cleanser.

"okay." he yelled back before he sat on her couch and waited for her.

once elsie was done washing her face, she stepped out of the bathroom to see austin sitting on her couch.

"hey, ready to go?" austin asked as he looked up at elsie.

"yeah, i just needed to get all that makeup off of my face before my skin broke out." elsie informed him as she grabbed her things.

"it's okay, are you hungry?" he asked as they exited elsie's trailer and began walking to their shared car.

"no, i ate mac and cheese from craft services before my last scene." elsie told him before glancing over at him.

"are you hungry? we can stop and get you something to eat." elsie suggested as they reached their car.

"no, i ate a cheeseburger from craft services before leaving too." he informed her as he opened the car door for her.

"are you sure?" she asked as she placed her purse on the seat.

"yes, now will you quit worrying and get in the car? i'm sure you're wanting to get to the hotel soon." he told her with a small smirk causing elsie to roll her eyes.

"fine but i'm buying lunch tomorrow." she told him sternly as she climbed into the car.

"if you say so." austin sighed before he shut the door and jogged to the other side of the car and climbed in before the pair set off to the hotel.

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