one hundred & fifty-one

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one hundred & fifty-one, suspicious minds

elsie laid in between the cool sheets as the sun shined through the window.

the brunette was extremely jet-legged from her flight that had arrived only a few hours prior.

elsie had flew back to england to film a few more scenes for the corpse bride and then flew back to california for the oscar's.

after the oscar's, she'd fly back to england and stay there until the met gala in may and hopefully before then, they'll finish filming.

so far, elsie had gotten extremely close with helena and the two often sat in their trailers and talked as they took sips of their tea.

overall, set was a tranquil environment and everyone in the cast got along extremely well.

every week, one of them would cook dinner and have everyone over and they'd end the night sometimes completely wasted.

helena and johnny didn't feel uncomfortable spending time with actors nearly thirty years younger than them.

they all felt like one big happy family.

"morning baby." elsie heard causing for her to hum as she stretched her arms.

her eyes opened to reveal austin looking down at her with a smile as he held a mug full of coffee in his hands.

"morning." elsie smiled before she sat up and made room for austin to sit in front of her.

"why didn't you wake me up when you did?" she asked as she took the mug from austin's hand.

"you came in late and i knew you were tired. besides, i have a few more days with you before you leave for england." austin smiled as he placed a hand on her thigh.

"it feels good to be back in california. i've missed the sun." elsie remarked with a small laugh.

"i bet you do." austin laughed before taking a sip from his coffee.

"are you nervous?" he asked, implying about the oscar's later that week.

"kind of but i know whatever happens, i'll have a great time. are you?" she asked him with a sincere smile.

"honestly, yeah. i really want to win this not only for myself but for lisa and priscilla and my mom." austin confessed as elsie felt her heart tug at the mention of his mother.

elsie knew how much austin adored his mom and how he wanted to make her proud of what he was doing.

"i know i can't promise you'll win and i know i'm not the academy but in my heart, you're the best actor i have ever seen." elsie muttered as she intertwined their hands together.

"and you're the best actress i've ever seen. the fact you're nominated for two different movies is absolutely incredible." austin exclaimed as a blush rose to elsie's cheeks.

"which i couldn't have done without you, mr butler." elsie remarked as she tapped austin on the nose with her finger.

"but um, i have to tell you something." elsie confessed as she placed the mug on the night stand.

"now you're scaring me." austin muttered as he stared at her worriedly.

"it has nothing to do with us. we're fine." elsie reassured him as she took his hand in hers.

"okay. then what's going on?" he asked softly.

"the night of the sag awards, hayden came up to me with rachel." elsie sighed softly.

"at first, he was explaining to me how relieved he was that i said no to him and how we would have been miserable together and that we would have resented each other. he said that i wasn't ready to settle down yet since my career was taking off and then he said he could have that with rachel and that was when they asked me if i would be a surrogate for them." elsie stated causing for austin to clench his jaw.

"they what?" he asked in complete shock.

"and then they said they'd understand if i said no and that i wouldn't be able to pursue the egg fertilization and after that i kind of snapped at him because he was making it seem like i was the reason why everything went to shit. oh and he proposed to rachel with the same ring he proposed to me with!" elsie laughed hysterically.

"it's all honestly pathetic and petty and i just want to move past this all and i knew i wouldn't be able to if i didn't tell you. i want us to work this time but in order for that to happen, we have to be completely transparent with each other, austin." elsie told him pointedly.

"i agree. i'm glad you told me. i want us to be honest with each other and be able to trust each other." austin told her with a small smile.

"and i do. i trust you so much." elsie whispered before she leaned forward and pressed her lips against his.

"i love you." austin breathed out as he rest his forehead against elsie's.

"i love you." elsie smiled before she pulled away.

"we can't go on together with suspicious minds." elsie sang causing for austin to laugh.

"and we can't build our dreams on suspicious minds." austin sang as elsie laughed.

suspicious minds had unknowingly became their song but they would not have it any other way.

they were brought together because of elvis and they had fond memories because of it.

austin and elsie were proof that spending time apart made the heart grow fonder and they were both determined to not let anything ruin what took years to repair.


bye, i actually love them so much 🫶🏻

also, i decided to add another act for cardigan 😏

when should i have elsie go on tour?

also, is elsie making an appearance at the eras tour? yes, yes she is 💅🏼

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