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twenty-four, bittersweet goodbyes

to the dismay of austin and elsie, the day of her departure from australia had arrived much faster than the new couple liked.

the two actors had spent the rest of their time together watching movies and being in each other's arms because the two didn't know when they'd see each other next again.

obviously austin still had a few weeks left of filming before he was able to fly back to the states and his first stop would be new york, wanting to spend time with elsie before he traveled back to new york.

elsie hated how attached she got to austin but she knew that this time apart from each other would be good so the two would find their independence from the other.

she just wished that they had more time together as a couple. there were still things she wanted to talk about with him but they hadn't been able to discuss.

the actress sat on her bed as she packed the last of her things in her luggage.

austin sat across from her, watching as his girlfriend packed the last of her things.

"i think that's the last of it." she sighed as she closed her luggage before glancing up at austin.

"are you sure you have everything?" he asked with a small smirk on his face.

"yeah, i mean, i packed everything that i brought with me." elsie explained as she felt herself being to second guess herself.

"not everything." he announced as he pulled out a box and placed it on top of the suitcase.

"austin." elsie stated as she swallowed the saliva in her mouth.

"i'm not proposing to you, ellie." he reassured her causing her to take a breath in relief.

"than what is it?" she asked as she kept her eyes on austin.

"open it and find out." he smirked causing the girl to roll her eyes before grabbing the box and opening it.

inside was a silver necklace in the shape of the heart that had a date engraved on it.

"the date on it is the day we met. i didn't know how important you'd be in my life then but i'm glad you came into my life when you did." austin told her as he leaned forward in her seat.

"do you like it?" he asked nervously as ge watched elsie admire it with a small smile.

"i love it. it's perfect." she whispered before she leaned forward and pressed her lips against his.

"do you mind putting it on for me?" she asked once they had pulled away.

"not at all." he replied before he grabbed the necklace from elsie and watched as she turned around and moved her hair away from the back of her neck.

austin unclasped the necklace before lifting over elsie's head and letting it sit on her chest as he clasped the necklace together.

he gently placed a kiss on elsie's bare shoulder before leaning back as elsie released her hair from her grasp.

"i'm gonna miss this." elsie sighed as she turned to face her boyfriend.

"i'll miss you too, cilla." he frowned as he caressed her cheek with his hand.

"we can do this right?" she asked as her eyes shifted from his left eye to his right eye.

"if anyone can do it, we can too." he told her as she leaned into his touch.

"promise to visit before you go back home?" she asked as she felt her heart beat against her chest.

"i promise." he nodded before he brought her lips into a kiss.

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