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thirty-one, scapegoat

elsie sat in her sisters apartment as she rewatched teen wolf for what was the 600th time.

jackie and andrew had went out for a date, leaving elsie alone in her apartment.

austin was busy on set so elsie couldn't speak to her boyfriend.

the only thing being able to take her mind off of the mixed responses of her song was teen wolf.

"god, where can i find friends like these?" elsie asked as she watched them save scott from kate argent.

elsie's phone began to ring causing the girl to groan before she paused the show and answered her phone, not even glancing at who was calling her.

"this better be important because i paused teen wolf for this." elsie remarked as she stared out of her window, overlooking the city of new york.

"hey elsie, it's luke." the brunette rolled her eyes at his timing.

he was the last person she wanted to talk to.

"oh hi." elsie stated as she ran a hand through her hair.

"listen, i'll always support you no matter what elsie and i'm honestly glad you're wanting to become a singer but you can't release that song and feed more into the media. it'll ruin not only me but the boys as well."

"are you being serious right now, luke?" elsie retorted.

"entirely, elsie. this is our career on the line."

"and what about mine, luke? you watched as i was ripped to fucking shreds on the internet over something that i did not do. i've been called so many disgusting things because you didn't feel the need to address the fucking rumors, luke. i couldn't even go home because there were paparazzi surrounding my apartment.

i got so much shit for being a homewrecker and yet you didn't even get an ounce of hate. i went through hell and you got out unscathed." elsie spat angrily.

"i get that you're looking out for the boys but you didn't even look out for me. you didn't look out for someone who loved you for eight years. did i really mean that little to you for you to sit back and watch as my career and character were demolished?" elsie asked as she felt a lump form in her throat.

"how do you think i felt when i saw that article about you and austin, huh?"

"you were the one that broke up with me, luke. you don't get to turn this around on me. you sat there and watched as i was ripped apart all over the internet. you don't get to decide if i can or can't release my own song.

i will do whatever the hell i want with or without your fucking permission." elsie quickly ended the call before tossing her phone on the couch.

"fuck." she spat as she ran her hands through her hair in frustration.

why was she being the scape goat of a relationship that didn't even involve her?

and why was like trying to control whether or not she released the song?

elsie tried so hard to control her anger but she had only one thing on her mind.

karmas a bitch.

and sooner or later, luke will receive his karma.


ahhh, elsie is releasing her song next chapter and luke will be PISSED

how are we liking the drama??

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