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eighty-nine, healing the heart

numb. that's how elsie felt since she read the flood of articles written about her and harry.

her body laid in her bed, curled between the sheets as she let her thoughts consume her.

had she really put on that much weight?

was it that noticeable to everyone else but her?

thoughts regarding her newfound weight gain made her question herself and ultimately led to her eating small portions throughout the day.

her eyes no longer held a spark in them and everyone around her could tell that the articles greatly affected her.

she no longer laughed at jacob's jokes and she no longer found interest in doing anything other than work and lay in bed.

the only thing bringing her some form of comfort was padfoot.

he hadn't left her side since the heartbreaking news and she was grateful.

he gave her a reason to get out of bed every couple of hours.

but he could only do so much and it wasn't enough to keep elsie happy.

she was miserable.

all she wanted was to be home and be cooped up in her apartment all day but there were only a few days left on set and everyone grew worried about her.

she hardly took any breaks and when she did, it was only for 15 minutes at a time.

elsie insisting on finishing the scene and moving onto the next.

it worried everyone, especially hayden. he hadn't seen a smile on her face since the day before she was told the devastating news and he missed her smile.

elsie's smile made him smile and it was his favorite thing in the world.

all he wanted to do was comfort her but he didn't know how to.

not when elsie was still trying to process the news she was told a week prior.

but hayden knew it was best to try instead of letting her sulk alone.

he had gotten her favorite food and had gotten her a bouquet of flowers before arriving at her hotel room.

he softly knocked on the door and waited for elsie to open the door.

the brunette groaned when she heard the knock from the door but had gotten up and walked towards it before opening it to reveal hayden.

"i thought you were jacob coming to annoy me again." she remarked causing a small chuckle to escape past hayden's lips.

"sorry to disappoint but it's just me. but i can be rather annoying if you'd like." he suggested causing a small smile to appear on elsie's lips.

"you could never annoy me, hayden." she smiled as she let hayden walk into her room.

"you warm my heart, gwen." he remarked as he placed a hand over his heart.

"i brought you food incase you were hungry and i brought you some flowers to cheer you up." he told her as he held out the bouquet of flowers towards her.

"that's very sweet of you. i love it." she smiled as she took them from his hands and smelled them.

"were you seriously watching teen wolf again?" he asked as he motioned towards the paused screen on the tv.

"hey, don't judge my tv choices. teen wolf makes me feel better when i'm sad." she informed him as she placed the flowers in a vase filled with water.

"about that, how are you feeling? we haven't talked much since before the appointment." he asked as he sat down on the edge of her bed while elsie sat at the small table nearby.

"i've been conflicted. the doctor thinks it's best i remove my tubes considering the amount of damage they've endured this far but if i do that, i won't be able to conceive on my own and that's something i don't want to give up on so easily.

yeah, i know my chances of conceiving and the chance of me being able to go to term is small but there's still a chance and i don't want to give up on that. not yet."

"and that's understandable, elsie. you want to be a mother one day and you don't want to give up on it that easily. it's your decision and i'll support you either way." he told her softly.

elsie felt a familiar sensation form in her stomach and she couldn't help but smile softly as a small blush formed on her cheeks.

"thank you, hayden. it really means a lot." elsie stated as she ate her food.

"anytime." he nodded before he got up.

"i should get going but i just wanted to check on you to see if you were okay."

as hayden walked towards the door, elsie stood up causing hayden to turn and look at her.

"can you stay? please? i don't want to be alone." she asked softly causing hayden to nod before walking towards her.

"i'll stay." he nodded before he looked down at her food.

"when you're done eating we can lay down and watch teen wolf together." he stated causing a smile to appear on elsie's face.

"really?" elsie asked excitedly as she sat down.

"really." he nodded before elsie finished the rest of her food.

once she was done, the two laid down on elsie's bed as they watched teen wolf together.

although, hayden was confused half of the time, he enjoyed the time spent with elsie.

all he wanted was for elsie to be happy and he hated seeing her so sad.

when he had read the articles, he felt many different emotions but the most prominent one was anger.

how could someone write such awful things about a person like elsie?

she was one of the kindest souls he had ever met and she had the most purest intentions.

she wasn't vile nor cruel. she was kind and caring towards others and she often let things slide when it harmed her.

elsie was too kind for her own good and hayden couldn't understand why anyone would be as cruel as they were towards her.

the actress was going through an extremely difficult time right now and they weren't allowing her time to process everything.

they were questioning her character and accusing her of infidelity and it made hayden absolutely sick.

after reading the articles, hayden promised to keep the smile on elsie's face, no matter what he had to do because he cared for her.

more than he had ever cared for anyone.

and it showed because he held elsie's in his arms, the girl fast asleep and all he could do was smile to himself.

he was completely and utterly infatuated with elsie and he could only hope that she felt the same.


hayden and elsie have my heart

i'm in my alex turned era rn so expect elsie and alex content soon 😁

austin's coming back in two chapters 😳

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