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thirty-three, secrets

austin sat in the airport as he dialed jackie's number. he had finally finished filming the movie a few days ago and he was now on his way to reunite with his girlfriend, who he missed.

"hello?" jackie answered as she went to her room while elsie was out on their patio writing a song that had been stuck in her head the past few days.

"hey jackie." austin greeted her as he glanced around at the airport to make sure no one knew it was him.

"hey, are you at the airport already?" she asked as she locked the door to her room so elsie wouldn't come in.

"yeah, i'm just waiting on my plane to start boarding." he informed her.

"but how is she?" he asked, wanting more than anything to have his girlfriend in his arms.

"she's been busy. she's out on the patio writing a song that's been stuck in her head all week but i think it's just a way to distract herself from missing you, which she does." jackie informed him with a small smile.

"i miss her too." austin smiled, his cheeks blushing slightly.

"how long are you staying?" jackie asked as she stared out of her window.

"until the met gala. i got invited by donatella but don't tell elsie. i want it to be a surprise." austin told her.

"don't worry, i'll keep your secret." jackie chuckled before she heard elsie calling for her.

"i should go before she gets suspicious but i hope you have a safe flight and let me know when you land, okay?" jackie asked.

"okay, bye jackie."

"bye austin." jackie smiled before she hung up and unlocked her door before walking into the living room of her and elsie's shared apartment.

"you called?" jackie asked as she approached her sister.

"yeah, i need some help with these lyrics. you think you could help me?" elsie asked as she looked up at her sister.

"i'm not really good with words, ellie. maybe you should go and visit dove so she could help you with it." jackie suggested with a shrug.

"dove is in la for a shoot. besides, i'm asking for your help, jackie." elsie frowned causing jackie to sigh before sitting across from her sister.

"okay, i'll help." elsie smiled before she turned to her lyrics.

"okay, so i got these lyrics down so far but i'm having a hard time coming up with the chorus." elsie frowned as she looked towards her sister.

"okay, i, uh, i honestly don't know how to help elsie." jackie frowned.

"i'll just sing something that pops up in my head and you tell me if it's good, okay?" jackie nodded before elsie closed her eyes as she tried to let the lyrics come to her.

"each day goes by and each night i cry, somebody saw you with her last night." elsie sang causing jackie to smile.

"that's good, keep going." jackie encouraged her sister.

"you gave me your word, 'don't worry 'bout her'. you might love her now but you loved me first."

jackie quickly wrote all of it down as she motioned for elsie to keep going.

"said you'd never hurt me, but here we are. oh, you swore on every star."

"how could you be so reckless with my heart?" elsie sang before she cheered with her sister.

by night fall, elsie was able to finish her song and had started writing another that was just about halfway done.

"jesus, you were meant to be a singer, elsie." jackie gushed as elsie shook her head while she wrote down some lyrics.

"you think so?" she asked as she looked away from her notebook.

"you wrote a song within a few days of getting death threats and you almost have two songs for your first ever album. you were meant for this, elsie." jackie reassured her as she placed a hand on her arm.

"i just wish austin would be able to hear this. it feels wrong to hide all of this from him." elsie sighed.

"hey, he knows you'll sing them for him one day but for now, just work on making them the best songs ever."

"not you referencing the boys too." elsie groaned causing jackie to chuckle at her sisters reaction.

"i couldn't help myself." jackie laughed before the two went back to finishing the song before going to bed.

the next morning, elsie woke up to someone rubbing her back.

"jackie, go away!" elsie huffed as she pulled her covers over her face.

"i thought you'd be excited to see me, baby."

elsie's eyes shot open before she threw the covers off of her to be met with the eyes of her boyfriend.

"oh my god." elsie shrieked before she tackled austin into a hug.

"hi baby." he whispered as he placed a tender kiss on her shoulder as she practically straddled him.

"when did you finish filming?" she asked once they pulled away.

"i finished a couple of days ago but i thought i'd surprise you. jackie helped with the whole thing." he informed his girlfriend as jackie stood in the doorway of her room.

"you bitch!" elsie remarked causing austin and jackie to laugh at her reaction.

"i'm gonna take that as a thank you." jackie retorted causing elsie to roll her eyes.

"i'm heading out with andrew for a bit, so i'll leave the two of you to catch up." jackie informed them before turning away.

"don't do something i'd regret!" jackie exclaimed.

"go away, jackie!" elsie yelled causing jackie to laugh before the front door of their apartment locked, signaling that the couple was alone.

"i missed you." elsie smiled as she placed her hand on austin's cheek.

"i've missed you more, cilla." he replied before he leaned forward and connected their lips together.

the two were perfectly happy in each other's arms and nothing could ruin this for them.

or so they thought....


reckless >>>

elsie might release her album in september or october, haven't decided yet

anyways, should i skip to the met gala or do a chapter before the met gala?

jackie and elsie are my fav celebrity siblings, even though they aren't real 💔

austin & elsie are my fav couple ever, idc

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