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twenty-three, how you get the girl

it was elsie's last day of shooting as priscilla presley and it was a very bittersweet morning for the girl.

from the moment she woke up, she couldn't help but feel sad about her days on set ending and the thought of having to go home upset her.

as much as she missed her sister, she'd miss the endless laughs and moments she had with austin.

although they hadn't known each other long, they had connected extremely well over the summer and she found herself being extremely close to him.

he made her days better and she made his days better. the two looking forward to seeing the other everyday and being able to spend time with each other on their days off.

the girl was sad that she'd leave all of this behind in two days and she wasn't ready.

she wasn't ready to say goodbye. not when she had answers she needed to know.

"hey, everything okay?" austin asked as he rubbed elsie's hand with his thumb.

"yeah, it just doesn't feel like this'll be my last day on set." elsie admitted with a small smile.

"our time together went by fast." austin nodded as the two stared at each other.

"yeah but i wouldn't have had it any other way." elsie confessed causing a smile to appear on austin's face.

"me either." he agreed before he leaned down and pressed his lips against hers.

"i'll see you in 10 minutes, cilla." he smiled as he kissed her once more.

"see you in 10 minutes, elvis." elsie smiled before she watched austin leave her trailer, the empty feeling she once felt coming back.

this was one of the last times she would be getting ready as priscilla and it made her sad.

"i'm gonna miss this." she sighed as she glanced around her trailer.

with one final glance, elsie began getting dressed in her costume before her hair stylist and makeup artist came into her trailer and did her hair and makeup for the last time.

"are you ready?" roxanne asked as she smiled at elsie through the mirror.

"yeah, i'm ready." elsie smiled before the two made their way to set.

soon enough, elsie and austin were sitting in the limo as they did their final lines together.

elsie couldn't help but feel teary eyed as the two acted as priscilla and elvis.

it felt like they were saying their actual goodbyes and it hurt.

elsie climbed out of the car and walked over to the other car that would take her and the little girl away while elvis got on the plane.

just as austin climbed the stairs of the plane, elsie turned to look at him.

'i will always love you' he mouthed before elsie got in the car with the little girl.

"and scene! that is a wrap for elsie verona everyone!" baz yelled out as everyone clapped for elsie.

the girl felt her eyes water as she smiled at everyone around her.

austin eventually made his way over to her side and pulled her into his arms for a hug.

after everyone congratulated her, she had went back to her trailer and took off her costume and makeup before she met up with austin at the rooftop of their hotel.

"it doesn't feel real." elsie confessed as she starred up at the sky.

"what doesn't?" he asked as he glanced over at her.

"this past summer. i was raised listening to elvis' music and being able to play priscilla in a movie about his life is surreal. it's like everything came full circle because two years ago, i didn't think i'd be where i am now." elsie confessed as she looked over at austin.

"and why is that?" he asked softly.

"when luke and i broke up, i felt like i was unworthy of everything that i had gotten because one of my old friends had decided to take luke's side in the breakup and had said the reason i have the success i have now is because of luke and i believed it.

luke had pushed me to go into acting and i feel like i wouldn't be where i am without him. it's almost like i didn't work extremely hard to get the roles that i got and like they're discrediting me for something that took me forever to achieve." elsie huffed out as she felt her tears sting.

"and i've known this person since i was 14 and i considered him family and for him to go behind my back and take luke's side when i've defended him countless of times hurts. it's like our friendship didn't mean anything to him." elsie cried as she covered her face with her hands causing austin to scoot over and pull her into his arms.

"hey, your success has nothing to do with luke. you achieved everything all on your own. luke may have pushed you into acting but you did all the hard work. you booked so many great projects and you have fans that absolutely adore you.

and as for the friend part, he was never a friend to begin with. if he could easily betray you and take your exes side over yours, he wasn't worth it. these tears for him aren't worth it. you are far better than both of them." austin comforted her as he kissed her temple.

"i didn't know how much i needed you in my life until i met you." elsie breathed out as she rested her forehead against his.

"i could say the same thing about you." austin smiled as he rubbed circles onto elsie's arm.

"after my breakup with vanessa, i didn't think i'd find someone who would understand me. i didn't think i would be able to fall for someone like i fell for vanessa but when i met you, i felt this connection with you that i haven't felt before.

you were like this big breath of fresh air after drowning for so long. you understood me like no one else has and everything came naturally with you. it was like i've known you my whole life compared to only knowing you for a few months.

i find myself thinking about you more than anything and i can't seem to get you out of my mind. you made everything make sense. you were my missing puzzle piece. and i know you didn't want to rush things but i can promise you that i am nothing like luke, elsie. i would never hurt you like he did.

you mean everything to me. please, let me be yours." austin begged as he caressed elsie's cheek with his hand.

elsie's heart filled with joy as she heard those words escape past his lips. it wasn't that austin wanted her to be his, it's the fact that he wanted to be hers that made her fall for him even more.

he wanted the privilege of being hers more than anything.

"okay." elsie whispered as a smile found its way onto her face as austin brought their lips together for the first time as girlfriend and boyfriend.

"i'm yours." he breathed out with a smile.

"and i'm yours." elsie replied before she pulled austin into another passionate kiss.



i'm literally in love with them, wtf 🥹

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