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fifty-eight, acceptance

the young couple had arrived in new york just last night and were getting ready to go and look for an apartment for them to live in together.

when elsie had informed her sister that she was planning on moving out sometime soon, jackie was sad at the fact she wouldn't see her younger sister everyday but she was happy that elsie had found someone that took their relationship seriously without pressuring elsie into anything.

with luke, he wanted things to go at his own pace and he didn't understand why elsie didn't want the same things he did.

he didn't take her feelings into consideration and often assumed she'd want to take the next step when in reality she wasn't ready.

with austin, he always took her feelings into consideration and would often reassure her that if she wasn't ready, they could wait.

"i can't believe you're leaving me." jackie pouted as she sat on elsie's bed.

"i'm not leaving yet, jackie." elsie pointed out as she slipped her shoes on.

"but you're still leaving. we've been living together since we were 17 and now this'll be the first time since birth that we won't be living together."

"austin and i are looking at apartments close to this one. it's not like i'm moving out of the state." elsie retorted as she turned towards her older sister.

"i know but i'll miss having you here and gossiping about our boyfriends together and having harry potter movie marathons."

"we can still have those, jackie. i promise i'll come over as much as you want me to." elsie smiled as she held her sisters hand.

"okay." jackie smiled before she looked up at the picture frame on elsie's shelf.

"have you told austin?" jackie asked causing elsie to frown.

"about?" elsie asked softly.

jackie pointed to the picture frame causing elsie to turn and see what she was talking about.

"no." elsie sighed as she pushed her hair away from her face.

"elsie." jackie breathed out.

"i can't go through that again, jackie. i can't go through that pain again." elsie shook her head.


"i cried for days after it happened because it was my only chance, jackie. i may never get to experience that again." elsie cried as stared at her sister with tearful eyes.

"i was there, elsie. i was the one who had to force you to eat. i was the one that helped you shower. i was the one that was comforting you all night because you couldn't get the picture out of your mind.

i know how difficult it was for you but austin doesn't. one day, in the far future, he'll want to take things further and the topic will come up. i just want you to be prepared for it."

"i know, jackie. i just don't know when i'll be ready." elsie sighed before she grabbed the picture and hid it in her closet.

"you'll know, elsie. it might not be now but you'll know when it's the right time." jackie reassured her sister.

"thanks jackie." elsie smiled before the two left the room and entered the living room where austin and andrew were talking on the couch.

"hey, ready?" austin asked once he noticed his girlfriend and her sister had entered the room.

"yeah." elsie smiled as she watched austin get up from the couch and walk towards her.

"i want her home by midnight, butler." jackie stated sternly as she pointed a finger at him.

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