one hundred & sixty-three

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one hundred & sixty-three, the black swan and her sweet revenge

the met gala had finally come around once again and this would be elsie's and austin's first appearance not only as an engaged couple but as a couple in general.

the two hadn't been to any event as a couple and the two were nervous to say the least.

since they had announced their engagement, they have received many outpours of support for their relationship from friends, family and fans.

but, of course, they received an unwavering amount of hate as well and it left them feeling uneasy.

their decision to get married never once left their mind one bit but the fact that some people thought they were making a mistake and that they were being selfish ate at elsie's mind.

her entire life, she was never selfish, she was selfless. she had often gave up her happiness for others and that happened quite frequently with her mom and her sister.

elsie had originally auditioned for davina for the originals and she would have gotten the part if her mother hadn't begged elsie to deny the role so jackie could be apart of it.

jackie's career wasn't as successful as elsie's at that point and kara thought jackie deserved the part more than elsie did.

so, kaira had manipulated elsie into giving the role to jackie and even then, it didn't help jackie's career as much as they thought it would and instead, elsie's success and fame began to rise because she had gotten casted for avengers: age of ultron.

despite elsie consistently putting her mother and sister before her self, she was still being called selfish.

it upset elsie that she wouldn't have her mother or sister at her wedding. she had always dreamt about her wedding and how jackie would be her maid of honor and her mom would help pick out her dress but that wasn't going to happen for elsie.

not having her family there for her as she planned her wedding hurt her but she knew she couldn't continue to allow them to walk all over her anymore.

"you okay?" austin asked as he rubbed elsie's back while she covered her face with her hands.

"yeah, i'm just thinking." elsie breathed out with a sigh.

"what's going on, baby? talk to me." austin whispered as he inched closer towards elsie's.

"i'm just sad my family won't be there when we get married." elsie confessed sadly.

"i always had this vision that my mom and jackie would help me get ready and we'd laugh and share memories together. it hurts knowing they won't be there." elsie shrugged with a frown.

"i know they've treated me like literal scum on the bottom of their shoe but i can't help but miss the family and bond we once had." elsie whispered, making eye contact with austin.

"and that's okay, baby. it's okay to miss the bond you once had with your sister and mother. you miss the family you had as a child and that is okay. everything you are feeling is okay and it means you are human. but your mother and you sister not being at our wedding doesn't mean you won't have any family there with you.

harry, niall, liam, louis and zayn will be there on your big day. taylor will be there to help you. so will florence. god, even luke will be there along with calum, ashton and michael. you have a whole other family that has supported you from the very beginning and i know it won't be the same but i'm here baby. i'm not leaving ever again. we're your family now. i'm your family now." austin comforted elsie.

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