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nine, nosey nancy

as the weeks passed, elsie finished filming jurassic world: dominion and stranger things 4 and she was set to leave for australia the next day.

she had decided to leave earlier than expected in order to fully prepare herself to be priscilla and to prepare her chemistry with austin.

the two had talked daily since he left and even facetimed each other when the other would wake up/fall asleep.

"how soon does your flight leave?" he asked as he sat in his trailer.

"in two hours. i just finished packing and jackie is gonna take me to the airport." elsie informed him as she zipped her suitcase closed.

"what time do you get here? maybe i can pick you up from the airport." he asked as he finished putting his shoes on.

"should be there by 5:45 pm." elsie smiled as her sister entered the room.

"hey, ready to go?" jackie asked, unaware of austin on the phone.

"yeah, i was just talking to austin before we left." elsie told her sister.

"don't worry, i'll make sure she gets on that plane, butler." jackie teased as she walked into the frame.

"thanks jackie." he smiled before he turned his attention to elsie.

"have a safe flight and text me when you land, okay?" he told her as jackie took elsie's suitcase out of her room.

"okay, bye elvis." elsie teased causing a smile to appear on his face.

"bye cilla." he replied before he ended the call.

elsie walked out of her room and was met with a smirk on her sisters face.

"what's with the smirk?" elsie asked as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"you and austin have facetimed twice a day, everyday for the last few weeks." jackie pointed out as the two sisters got ready to leave.

"okay, what's your point?" elsie asked as she grabbed her purse.

"my point is that the two of you have gotten really close, ellie. is there anything going on between the two of you?" jackie asked as she stopped to look at her sister.

"no, we're just really good friends that are in a movie together." elsie shrugged slightly.

"where the two of you play love interests." jackie pointed out causing elsie to sigh.

"what's going on between you and andrew?" elsie asked as she raised a brow at her sister whose jaw dropped.

"you think i haven't noticed the way your face lights up when you receive a text from him? because i have and i chose not to mention it because its none of my business. i knew you'd tell me when there's something to tell." elsie stated bitterly.

"okay, you got me there but i'm just looking out for you. you were so hurt after yours and lukes break up and i just don't want you to go through that again." jackie frowned causing elsie to sigh.

"i know and i appreciate that but i'm a grown woman, jackie. i know what i'm getting myself into and who i'm involving myself with. right now, austin and i are getting to know each other and we're working on a movie together where we're playing love interests. if anything changes, you'd be the first to know, i promise." elsie told her as jackie nodded.

"i know you're an adult but you're still my baby sister, ellie. it's my job to worry about you." jackie responded as she poked elsie lightly.

"yeah, yeah." elsie sighed as the two sisters hug.

"come on before you make me late for my flight." elsie remarked before they pulled away.

"wouldn't want to keep mr butler waiting, now can we?" jackie retorted causing elsie to roll her eyes.

"i seriously wonder how we're even sisters." elsie remarked as they left their shared apartment.

"oh, i ask myself the same question." jackie replied before the two chuckled at their antics.

"i'm really going to miss you and your sarcasm." jackie sighed as they stepped foot into the elevator.

"i'll be back before you know it, jackie." elsie told her as she wrapped her arm around her shoulder.

"don't worry about me, i'll keep myself busy." jackie shrugged with a small smirk.

"oh, i'm sure you will. just don't have sex on my bed." elsie teased causing jackie to shove the girl.

"never mind, i'll enjoy your absence." jackie remarked as the two walked to their car.

"sure you will." elsie retorted before the two climbed into the car and set off for the airport, the young verona girl admiring the city of new york before she leaves for the entire summer.


after a long 22 hour flight, elsie had finally landed in australia and was now waiting in baggage claim for her luggage.

she had texted austin that she had landed and he was waiting for her at her terminal.

elsie wore a hoodie and sunglasses so she wouldn't be recognized and so far it had worked. no one had looked at her and she was glad to keep her arrival a secret from fans and paparazzi.

soon, elsie was able to grab her luggage and she was now making her way to austin with a smile on her face.

"hi you." elsie smiled as she approached him.

"hi gwen." he smiled before the two hugged, his frame towering over hers significantly.

"how was your flight?" he asked as they pulled away, his hand immediately grabbing her suitcase and putting it into the trunk of the black suburban.

"extremely long but i'm just glad to finally be here." elsie answered with a small chuckle.

"are you hungry? we can stop and get something to eat before i take you back to the hotel." he suggested as he opened the door for her.

"i'm actually starving. what do you have in mind?" elsie asked as austin shut the door behind him and the driver drove away from the airport.

"there's a hungry jacks by the hotel." he told her.

"hungry jacks?" she asked as she scrunched her face up with confusion.

"you've never had hungry jacks?" he gasped as elsie shook her head no.

"looks like we're trying something new." he remarked causing the girl to chuckle.

"as long as you feed me, i'm fine with anything. i'm not a picky eater." elsie told him as she closed her eyes.

"i think we'll get along just fine, verona." austin smirked as he glanced over at her.

"i think so too, butler." elsie replied as she glanced over at him as well.

the two didn't know what lied ahead of them but they did know one thing.

these next three months together will change everything.


oh my god, i'm so excited. how do you guys like the book so far?

i have sooo many cute behind the scene scenarios for elsie and austin

lets just say one of them involves the two dancing to an elvis song 🤭

cardigan, a. butlerWhere stories live. Discover now