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sixty-three, auditions

the day of elsie's audition had arrived and she had prepared for her audition the prior night. she had gotten dove to run lines with her and according to the blonde, elsie was going to kill the audition.

elsie, of course, appreciated her friends compliment but she honestly didn't think she would get the part.

it was much different than her previous roles and it scared her.

she didn't know what to expect but she did know that she was going to give her all and pull off the performance of a lifetime.

although she felt extremely uneasy about the topic of the film, she knew she really had to act her ass off to get this role over the other actresses auditioning for it.

and so, elsie wore a black skirt and a maroon long sleeve with black platform oxford shoes.

she tied her look together by pining half of her hair back with a black bow clip to top the look off.

with her makeup, she kept it simple to resemble the innocence of a young college student.

elsie felt butterflies swarm in her stomach as she looked at the other actresses in the room.

actresses like emily alyn lind, kathryn newton, lily rose-depp and many other talented young actresses sat in the room and elsie couldn't help but feel intimidated by them.

how was she going to wow the directors so they'd choose her?

before she could think about anything else, her name was called causing a few of the actresses to glance her way.

elsie forced a smile as she grabbed her things and followed the person towards the audition room.

"elsie verona. it's a pleasure to finally meet you. i've heard nothing but great things about you. let me see what you can do." darren smiled as the two shook hands.

"we'd like you to read scene 21 and alexandria will read the other parts." darren told elsie causing her to nod.

"okay." elsie smiled once she set her things down in a chair in the corner of the room.

"whenever you're ready." darren told her as he folded his hands together.

"you said you needed to speak with me professor." elsie read as she put on an innocent face.

"yes, come in miss wright." alexandria read from her script.

"what was it that you wanted to speak to me about so urgently?" elsie asked.

"we can not go on like this, amelia."

"what? what do you mean, henry?" she asked as she gazed at the casting directors with confusion.

"i mean we must end this, amelia. this can not go on any longer. my job and life is on the line here."

"and what, you think i'm not risking my place in this school for you? i've given up everything so i could be with you, henry. you can not just cast me aside like old trash that you do not want anymore." elsie exclaimed with disbelief.

"the repercussions you'll face do not amount to mine, amelia. i may lose everything because of my interest in you. i may lose my wife and kids."

"your interest? you said you loved me." elsie spat angrily.

"i do love you, amelia. but no one will understand us. no one will understand what we have. all they'll see is a teacher preying on his student."

"who cares about what others think, henry? why can't our love for each other be enough for you?" elsie cried as tears fell from her eyes.

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