one hundred & sixty-nine

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one hundred & sixty-nine, found family 

it had been a few weeks since elsie's one night only show in new york and she was now in italy with florence, zendaya & taylor for her wedding dress fitting.

this would be the one of the last few times she'd try on her dress for final touches before her wedding.

elsie and austin would be getting married in london before they'd travel to paris and italy for their honeymoon.

after her grandmother had passed away, they discovered she had a will and marjorie had left elsie her home in france.

since both elsie and austin would be living in london after their wedding, the home in france would be their summer house.

the four celebrities sat in the car as they drove closer towards the versace headquarters where donatella was waiting for them.

it felt special to have donatella designing elsie's wedding dress, the two having worked together for many years prior and it only felt right to elsie for donatella to be the one who designed her wedding dress.

"are you nervous?" taylor asked as she turned to her friend of the years.

elsie looked over at the blonde and smiled softly. "just a little." she answered softly.

"the dress will fit, elsie. everything will be perfect for your wedding next month." zendaya reassured her friend as she leaned forward and placed her hand over elsie's.

"i know, i just, i wish i had my mom and sister here... it just feels wrong to not have them here, in a way." she confessed with a shrug of her shoulders.

the three knew elsie had been having a hard time not having her mother or her sister there to help plan her wedding like most mother's and sisters did.

it was hard for elsie to plan her wedding and not have any support from her sister or mother.

not to mention that andrew nor her father were there for her engagement party and it felt like her family had abandoned her during the most important time of her life.

"i know and i'm sorry babe. i know how much it meant to you to have them both here but you deserve to be surrounded by people who support you no matter what." florence told her as she held her hands.

"and it's okay for wanting your mom and jackie to be here, elsie. you are entitled to have these feelings but you're not alone. we are all here to support you." taylor smiled at elsie. 

the brunette couldn't help but smile at their words. they were right. she wasn't alone. she had found a family with the three and she wouldn't trade them for the world. 

"thank you, guys. i'm happy that you three are here with me." elsie smiled genuinely at the three. 

"and we're happy to be here with you." zendaya smiled as they pulled into versace headquarters. 

as soon as the car had parked, the four celebrities thanked the driver before climbing out of the car and being escorted into the facility. 

as the four entered the facility, they were immediately greeted by donatella. 

"elsie, my love! i am so happy to see you!" donatella exclaimed as she brought the girl into a warm hug. 

"it's so good to see you, donatella." elsie smiled as she happily hugged the designer. 

"are you excited for your big day?" donatella asked once they had pulled away, the two still holding each other's hands. 

"very! i can't believe it's next month." she laughed causing everyone to laugh as well.

"it is fast approaching but your dress is finally completed. i am so excited for you to see it." donatella smiled at elsie.

"i'm sure it'll be amazing." elsie smiled before the five began to walk towards where her wedding dress is. 

"you flatter me, elsie!" donatella remarked with a wave of her hand. 

the five soon arrived and elsie was currently slipping into her dress as donatella helped the girl lace the back of the dress. 

it was a gorgeous princess style dress that had crystals and flowers decorated throughout the bust and down towards the skirt of the dress. 

"you've truly outdone yourself, dona." elsie smiled as she felt her eyes tear up while she stared at her reflection in the mirror. 

"you deserved the best dress for your big day after all that you've gone through. if anyone deserves an amazing dress for their wedding, it's you." donatella smiled before she stepped back to take a look at elsie in the dress. 

"how does it feel? is it a bit tight?" donatella asked as she watched elsie admire herself in the mirror. 

"no, it's perfect." elsie smiled happily as she stared at all of the intricate details of her dress. 

"hurry, babe! we're dying to see how phenomenal you look in your dress." florence called out causing elsie to laugh as well as donatella, zendaya and taylor. 

"ready to wow them?" donatella asked with a warm smile. 

"yeah." elsie nodded eagerly before elsie walked out from behind the curtain and in front of her three friends. 

the three gasped as they watched elsie walk from behind the curtain and in front of them.

"you look beautiful!" florence exclaimed happily as she felt tears fill her eyes. 

"you look amazing, ellie." taylor smiled as she felt tears fill her eyes as well as she stared at her longtime friend. 

"you were made for this dress, elsie." zendaya smiled as she stared at elsie with admiration. 

"are you crying?" elsie asked as she noticed taylor and florence wiping away their tears. 

"no, i just have an eyelash in my eye." florence remarked causing everyone to laugh. 

"you just look so beautiful and happy." taylor sighed as she stared at elsie tearfully. 

"this is what you deserve and much more, elsie. i'm just glad you're finally getting your happy ending." taylor smiled happily at elsie. 

"stop or you'll make me cry." elsie laughed as she tried to fight off her own tears from spilling from her eyes. 

"i just really appreciate you three sticking by me when i was going through a hard time and being so supportive of me." elsie breathed out as she wiped away her tears. 

"we'll always be here, ellie. we're not going anywhere." taylor smiled comfortingly at elsie. 

"good because then this would be awkward." elsie laughs. 

"i know i am asking literally at the last minute but i was hoping you three would be my bridesmaids?" elsie asked with a small smile. 

"are you kidding? of course i will!" florence exclaimed as she rushed up to hug elsie. 

taylor and zendaya got up as well to hug elsie. 

"i'd love to be your bridesmaid." taylor smiled as she pulled elsie into a hug. 

"you already know my answer is yes." zendaya laughed as she hugged elsie as well.

"next stop, santorini!" florence cheered causing the three to cheer as well in excitement. 

elsie may have lost her family in the process of marrying the love of her life but she had another family she wouldn't trade for the world. 


i feel like i haven't updated this book in forever and i apologize!

cardigan turns two in july and i cannot believe you've all stuck by me during this journey and i truly appreciate each and every one of you!

cardigan, a. butlerWhere stories live. Discover now