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sixty-six, peter losing wendy

the december air blew against elsie's cheeks as she walked down the streets of new york, taking in the scene in front of her for what would be the last time as a twenty-four year old.

the next time she'd be home is after she turned twenty-five and even then, she would be gone a few months later for her world tour.

she would be traveling all over the world for so many months with olivia but all elsie could feel was guilt.

was she selfish for accepting her role and going on tour without talking with austin first?

she felt like she was betraying him in a way by not talking with him about it.

which is why the girl was currently on her way to talk to him.

it had been a while since the two went on their break and elsie missed him more than anything.

of course, it didn't help that anytime she posted on her socials, her fans would immediately notice the lack of interactions between her and austin.

it made elsie feel pressured to keep up this perfect relationship image with austin and she shouldn't feel this way.

all couples go through a rough patch but with relationships in the spotlight, everyone is watching your relationship and commenting on it 24/7 and it's exhausting.

it was exhausting having to watch people question her relationship when it really wasn't anyones business.

it also frustrates elsie that she couldn't do anything without the mention of austin.

it was like she revolves around austin and it frustrates her.

she had worked so hard for the career she currently had and all she was being asked about was austin.

why couldn't anyone focus on her career rather than who she was currently seeing?

with a huff, elsie opened the door to the apartment building and walked towards the elevator, butterflies forming in her stomach as she pressed the button.

she hadn't seen austin in weeks and yet he still gave her the same affect that he gave her when they first met.

she pressed the button before waiting for the elevator doors to open.

her anxiety increasing as she tapped her foot against the marble tile.

the small ding of the elevator caused elsie to look up and be met with the same girl that she had seen in the photos.

her breath hitched as the two stared at each other.

neither one of them knowing what to do as they stared at each other.

"hi." kaia breathed out.

"hi." elsie forced a smile.

"i heard about your new movie. congratulations." kaia smiled.

"thank you." elsie replied before the two brushed past each other.

elsie clicked on austins floor number before the door closed, allowing elsie to let out a breath in relief as she leaned against the wall of the elevator.

why was kaia there? is austin and her together? did austin move on from her this quickly?

elsie tried to shake away her intrusive thoughts, not wanting to believe that she had lost austin.

the doors soon opened and elsie made the agonizing walk towards austin's apartment door before she softly knocked.

she waited for what felt like years before he opened the door and was met with her blue eyes.

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