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eighty-eight, facing the reality


LUKEHEMMINGS i'm sure many of you have seen the article and i want everyone to know that there's more to the story than what is being shared online. i beg everyone to leave elsie to her privacy and let her come to you when she's ready.

FLORENCEPUGH it disgusts me how easily you all can turn your backs on someone when fabrications are being shared all throughout the internet. you do not know the entire story and you do not deserve to hear it after what i've seen online. leave elsie alone and be a fucking human being for once.

HARRYSTYLES elsie and i have been friends since we were both teenagers. we have always been there for each other and whenever either of us needs the other, we're there. you do not know what she's currently going through and yet you're bashing her online for something that isn't true at all.

AUSTINBUTLER the article that was written about elsie is absolutely disgusting. she has no obligation to disclose what she does in her day to day life. you don't know the full story and i hope elsie decides to share it when she's ready. do not believe everything that you've read online. as for the cheating rumors, elsie didn't cheat on me. i cheated on her. so if there's anyone who deserves all the hate, it's me. leave elsie out of it.

ELSIE i never thought that i'd have to disclose my personal agenda with the internet but it seems that most of you have made up your mind about the fabrication that was made earlier this week. when i was 17, i learned that i had damage in both of my fallopian tubes. the surgeon/doctor i was seeing at the time suggested i do surgery and i did, thinking it would fix everything. but when i went back for a wellness check, it was found out that i have a 50% chance of having kids and only 15% chance of being able to go full term with the fetus. my entire adult life, i never thought i would be able to have kids and somehow a miracle happened and i had become pregnant during my relationship with luke. although i wanted to be a mom, i knew that luke and i weren't ready to be parents, which is why i went through with an abortion. after that, i didn't have much hope for children until my mother had suggested i get a second opinion. so, i went to a obgyn in oxford and i was told the news i never wanted to hear, i have a 25% chance of conceiving and only a 10% chance of me being able to go full term. even though i had went through surgery to repair the damage found in my tubes, there was damage left from that surgery. the doctor advised that i remove both tubes but this means i will never be able to conceive on my own without ivf. this has been a devastating time for me and for these news outlets to publish articles about this and use it as a way to bring income is sickening. i never once thought my privacy would be invaded like this and it makes me wonder if this is all worth it.. as for harry being there, he was there for emotional support because he knew i wanted more than anything to be a mother. please let me take this time to process everything and i ask that you respect my privacy.

- e

DOVE for you all to comment on a women's body while she's going through a difficult time is absolutely sickening. you may never understand the pain that elsie is feeling right now and for you all to assume the worst of her during this time is absolutely disgusting. i hope you all never have to experience what elsie is going through.

JACKIE my sister is the strongest person i know and for her to learn devastating news and having to address it online for everyone is honestly sickening. she hasn't had the time to properly process everything because of all the horrible things you've said about her in the last few days. she can't even leave her hotel in peace without paparazzi swarming her. please, if you have any sort of decency in your body, leave my sister alone to heal.

they honestly slayed

luke and elsie's new friendship will be the purest thing ever 🥹

elsie, you deserve the world 🫶🏻

anyways, i was thinking that maybe elsie stars in a live action film of the corpse bride? 🤭

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