one hundred & fifty-four

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one hundred & fifty-four, soon you'll get better

nothing could really prepare elsie for the call she would receive the day after she had won two oscar's.

she was sitting on austin's couch, watching gossip girl when her phone had begun ringing.

elsie didn't take a glance at the caller i.d. before answering.

her annoyed expression soon vanished and was replaced by sadness at the sound of her father's trembling voice.

"papa? qu'est-ce qui ne va pas?" elsie asked as she stood from the couch.

(dad? what's wrong?)

pierre didn't mutter a word and just cried, worry coursing through elsie's body.

"papa, parle-moi." elsie begged as her throat began to feel sore.

(dad, talk to me)

"c'est des grams." pierre breathed out as tears filled elsie's eyes.

(it's grams)

"qu'est-il arrivé aux grams?" elsie whispered tearfully.

(what happened to grams)

"elle est malade. vraiment malade. et les médecins disent qu'elle n'a plus beaucoup de temps." pierre told his daughter sadly as tears cascaded down her cheeks.

(she's sick. really sick. and the doctors say she doesn't have much longer.)

"je monte dans le prochain avion, d'accord ? Je te verrai prochainement." elsie told her dad as she wiped away her tears.

(i'm getting on the next plane, okay? i'll see you soon)

"ok, fais attention, chérie." pierre nodded before the other like went silent, signifying he had hung up.

(okay, be careful, honey)

"fuck." elsie exclaimed as she ran a hand through her hair as she paced back and forth in the living room.

"baby?" austin called out as he made his way from his room to the living room.

"what's wrong? what happened?" austin asked as he walked towards elsie.

"my dad just called and grams is in the hospital." elsie whispered as more tears fell from her eyes.

"he didn't give me much details but he says the doctors don't think she has much longer." elsie cried as she buried her head in his chest.

"i'm sorry baby. do you wanna start packing your things while i book our flight?" he asked as he kissed the top of her head.

"you'll come with me?" elsie asked as she looked up at him.

"of course, baby. i want to be here for you." austin smiled as he rocked them side to side.

"thank you, babe." elsie smiled before she stood up and kissed him.

"want me to pack your things too?" she asked as she began to walk to his room.

"no, i'll do that when i finish booking our flights." austin told her causing her to nod before entering his room.


after an extremely long and tiring flight, elsie and austin had landed in france and were now making their way to the hospital.

elsie held austin's hand as she stared out of the window, her nerves worsening as they neared closer and closer towards the hospital.

the actress wasn't ready to say goodbye to her grandmother.

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