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sixty-nine, fairytale endings

elsie had flown to england the day after she had broken up with austin for the table read of her film.

they would then start filming a week later, giving them enough time to get to know each other and get comfortable with the other.

especially for elsie and henry, who had multiple intimate scenes through the film.

darren wanted elsie to feel as comfortable as possible throughout the whole filming process and with her being 14 years younger than henry, it was crucial for her to be comfortable with her co-star in order for the filming process to be successful.

although the cast had been there a few days prior, darren wanted everyone to meet at the table read so everyone could improvise everything and get their first reactions to meeting each other.

they were each told to portray their character as they saw fit so elsie was dressed in something similar to what she had worn to her audition, minus the bow in her hair.

everything else was kept the same in order for elsie to portray amelia as she was portrayed in the script.

the young actress nervously walked down towards the room where the table read was being held in.

her shoes echoing down the hall as she drew closer and closer towards the room.

she heard a bit of chatter coming from the room and it eased her nerves a little bit.

at least it wouldn't be completely awkward. elsie thought before she rounded the corner and stood in the doorway.

the first one to notice her was jacob elordi, who gave her a warm smile as he stood up to greet her.

"hi elsie, it's nice to finally meet you." he greeted as the two hugged, the height difference becoming very clear once they were next to each other.

"it's nice to meet you as well." elsie smiled kindly.

jacob and elsie had messaged each other a few times in the past and from their conversations, they were much alike.

"how was your flight?" he asked as the two pulled away from each other.

"it was great. went much better than i expected." she nodded as emma approached the two.

"elsie, this is emma. emma, this is elsie." jacob introduced the two as they waved at each other with small smiles on their faces.

"are either of you as nervous as i am about this movie?" elsie asked as she glanced between the two.

"extremely. i've never been in a film that involves a very controversial topic but i'm excited to start filming." emma informed the two.

"i've worked on euphoria and it has controversial topics as well but it's nothing like this movie. hopefully we're all able to portray the movie like darren wanted us to."

the three continued to talk as they slowly made their way to their seats as elsie's co-star walked in.

elsie excused herself from the two before making her way towards henry with a kind smile.

"it's very nice to meet you, i'm elsie." she smiled as she held out her hand for him to shake.

"it's nice to meet you as well, im henry." he introduced himself with a smile on his face.

"i loved your work as superman. you really brought clark kent to life." she complimented him.

"and i can say the same thing about selina. you brought her to life." he nodded causing elsie to smile even more.

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