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fourty-six, double date

it was elsie's first day in la and the actress was getting ready for her double date with hailey and justin.

the four had decided to just have lunch at haileys and justins house instead of going out for lunch.

the two couples not wanting to be bombarded by the paparazzi when they just wanted to go out for lunch like normal people.

elsie wore a black dress that reached just below her bum.

she had straightened her hair a bit before applying light makeup.

as elsie did the final touches to her appearance, austin wrapped his arms around her waist and nuzzled his face into her neck.

"are you almost ready?" he asked as he pressed a kiss onto her shoulder.

"yeah, i was just doing a few last minute touches." elsie smiled before she turned around to face her boyfriend.

"you look beautiful." he whispered as he leaned down and connected their lips together.

"thank you." elsie smiled as she caressed his cheek with one one hand and her other hand was pressed against his chest.

elsie stood on her tippy toes and pressed her lips against his once more before setting her feet flat against the ground.

"we should go before it starts getting late." she informed him as she intertwined their hands together.

"yeah, let's go." he nodded before the two left austin's bedroom and made their way into the living room.

"are you sure you have everything?" austin asked as he grabbed the keys to his car while elsie grabbed her purse.

"yeah, i think so." elsie answered as she opened her purse to see if she had everything she needed.

"just making sure. you have a habit of forgetting things, baby." austin told her causing her to glare at him.

"i do not!" she exclaimed.

"baby, yes you do. remember when we went to the zoo? you forgot your camera and we had to go back up to the hotel room." he told her pointedly.

"i hate you." elsie sighed as austin chuckled and leaned forward to kiss her forehead.

"no you don't." he replied before he intertwined their hands together once more.

"come on." he led her out of the house and towards his black bmw.

he carefully opened the door of the passengers side before glancing towards elsie.

"my lady." he remarked in a british accent causing a laugh to escape past elsie's lips.

"why thank you, kind sir." elsie replied before she slid into the passenger side of his car, austin closing the door behind her.

he jogged to the other side of the car before climbing in and starting the car.

the two were soon off to justin's and haileys home.

"you know, i'm really happy you agreed to come with me." elsie told him as she glanced over at her boyfriend.

"of course i did, baby. i want to spend as much time with you as i can before you leave." he reminded her as he reached over and intertwined their hands together.

elsie smiled before she looked away, dreading the conversation she was about to have with him.

"i, um, i have to tell you something." elsie started as she nervously fiddled with the necklace he had given her.

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