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fifty-six, pure bliss

elsie sat in austin's bed as she looked at luke's recent instagram post. a scoff escaped past her lips as she read his caption, anger beginning to build up inside of her.

why couldn't he just let her go? why is he trying to crawl back into her life when she was perfectly happy without him? why was he trying to win her back when he was the reason he lost her in the first place?

"why is he trying to win you back after everything he put you through? is he really that fucking dense?" austin scoffed as he angrily paced back and forth in his room.

the couple was packing for new york so the two could go apartment hunting before harry's show, wanting to get everything out of the way before his show.

"apparently." elsie remarked as she scrolled through the comments and seeing hardly anyone was defending him.

"have you spoken to him recently?" austin asked as he glanced at her.

"of course not. i have nothing to say to him. not after everything he put me through." elsie scoffed as she looked away from her phone.

"especially after everything he did to sierra. i can't imagine how she must feel right now." elsie sighed with a frown.

"have you talked to her?" austin asked as he sat down beside his girlfriend.

"yeah, she's the one that told me about the post. she finds it hilarious that he's releasing a song about what he did to her. maybe everyone will stop putting him on this goddamn pedestal and hold him accountable for the shit he's done."

"don't worry, they will once they realize that calum, ashton and michael are tired of how he's been treating you and sierra. it hasn't been fair to either of you." austin stated as he reached over to hold elsie's hand.

"i just wish he wasn't involved in every aspect of my life. it's like everyone can't forget that i had a life before dating luke." elsie sighed with a frown.

"hey, your fans love you for you. they don't care about what you and luke had. they just want to support you." austin reassured her as he caressed her cheek.

"how did i get so lucky to have you in my life?" elsie asked as she smiled up at her boyfriend.

"i ask myself the same question." he replied before he leaned down and pressed his lips against hers.

elsie hummed happily as she leaned over and straddled austin's lap, her hands finding his hair as his hands found her hips.

as the two continued to make out, elsie began to lift austin's shirt while his hands slowly made their way towards her butt.

in one swift motion, elsie pulled away from the kiss and slipped austin's shirt off before reattaching her lips to his, her hands holding his cheeks.

"is this what you want?" austin asked as he began to press kisses down her neck.

"this is what i want." she breathed out before she took her shirt off.

austin pulled elsie into another kiss as he began to push her skirt up, his fingers grazing her underwear.

he pulled elsie's underwear down before she quickly took them off as austin unbuttoned his pants.

elsie grabbed a condom from austin's nightstand before handing it to him.

she climbed on top of him and positioned herself over him.

"are you sure?" he asked as he looked up at her.

"yeah, i'm sure." elsie smiled before she lowered herself onto him.

her hands found his shoulders as she began to rock back and forth, the pleasure soon overtaking them.

pleasure-filled moans escaped past elsie's lips, austin kissing elsie's shoulder as his hands guided her hips.

"oh my god." she moaned as her eyes closed, enjoying the pleasure she was feeling.

"fuck elsie." austin moaned as he threw his head back.

the couple edged closer and closer towards their climax as they clung to the others body, wanting to feel closer to the other.

"just like that, baby." austin moaned as elsie began to bounce up and down, her breasts bouncing as well.

austin dipped his head down as he attached his mouth to elsie's nipple, his tounge swirling around it causing elsie to bite her lip to fight the moan that was threatening to escape from her lips.

elsie's walls soon came crashing down, a loud moan escaping past her lips as she rode out her orgasm, austin crashing down soon after she did.

the actresses rode out her high before she slumped against austin's chest as she breathed heavily.

the actor rubbed circles onto her things as he slipped the condom off and threw it into the trash bin.

"do you wanna shower?" he asked as elsie tied her hair up in a bun.

"like together?" she asked as she stood up from the bed.

"or separate. whatever you're comfortable with." he shrugged nervously.

"yeah, we can." she smirked before she grabbed his hand and led him into the bathroom.

let's just say they did more than just shower.


i'm sorry for the lack of updates

i started uni this week and i've been focusing on my classes

updates will be slow but i promise i'll post at least once a week

also, how do we feel about elsie writing a song to play specifically on her tour? 🤭

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