one hundred & two

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one hundred & two, a dream come true

after the film festival in france was over, hayden and elsie had explored paris before returning back to los angeles to prepare for elsie's first tour date, which was in los angeles.

elsie was currently laying down with hayden when in reality, she should have already been at the kia forum for her soundcheck and last minute costume fitting.

"i wish we could stay like this all day." she huffed as she nuzzled her head into his chest.

"i do too but you have a show tonight." he reminded her as he kissed the top of her head.

"that you're going to?" she asked as she looked up at her boyfriend.

"i wouldn't miss it for the world." he smiled before kissing her on her lips.

"i should go before i miss my sound check." elsie sighed.

"do you want me to drive you?" he asked as he watched elsie get up and grab her things.

she had already gotten dressed before she had decided to lay with hayden for a few minutes.

"no, it's okay. i'll see you later tonight." elsie smiled before she leaned down and kissed hayden once more.

"see you tonight, baby." he smiled before elsie left the room.

briar was at her rachel's house for the day so elsie just left the house and began the drive towards the kia forum.

the drive wasn't long and she had arrived at the stadium in less than fifteen minutes.

"hello miss verona." one of the securities greeted her as they guided her towards her dressing room.

"hi frank." elsie smiled as she entered her dressing room.

"you're late." roxanne pointed out from the couch.

"i'm not late, you're just early." elsie remarked, earning an eye roll from roxanne.

"come on, we need to do your soundcheck before we do your fitting for your costume." roxanne informed her as she ushered elsie out of the dressing room.

"where's livie? is she here yet?" elsie asked as they walked to the stage.

"yes and she's currently doing her soundcheck as we speak." roxanne informed elsie as they reached the stage.

olivia had just finished her soundcheck and was approaching elsie.

"oh my god, can you believe it's actually here?" olivia asked with excitement.

"i know, i can't believe it myself." elsie smiled as she admired olivia.

"i still can't believe you chose me to be your opening act. it feels like a dream come true." olivia smiled.

"you were the only one i can imagine going on tour with." elsie told her.

"don't tell conan i told you that." she remarked causing olivia to chuckle.

"don't worry, your secret is safe with me." olivia winked as she pretended to seal her mouth close.

"i need to do a last minute fitting but i can't wait for tonight!" olivia exclaimed as she began to back away from elsie.

"come down to my dressing room for lunch!" elsie informed olivia causing her to nod before she left.

"okay, what song should i sing?" elsie asked as she was given the microphone and the earbuds.

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