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fifty-three, intimacy

after her coffee run with sierra, elsie had went back to austin's home and was getting ready for her album release party that austin insisted that she'd have for her debut album.

she wore a white dress that reached just above her knees and she had gotten her hair straightened for the night.

one of her makeup artists had came over and had done a simple smokey eye on her to bring out her eyes.

elsie had decided to keep it simple for the night since it was just her close friends attending the party.

as elsie put on her earrings, she saw austin walk in through the mirror.

"you look great, baby." he smiled as he walked over, his hand wrapping around elsie's waist.

"you do too." elsie smiled as she turned to face him.

"nervous?" he asked once he caught a glimpse of elsie's anxiety.

"yeah. what if it doesn't do good?" elsie frowned as her hands found his forearms.

"it will."

"but what if it doesn't? what if all those late nights writing and recording were for nothing?" she asked as she felt her tears start to form in her eyes.

"it won't be for nothing, baby. you put your heart and soul into this album. you wrote about your experiences and so many people with resonate with your lyrics. don't doubt your talent for a second, baby." austin told her as he caressed her cheek.

"i love you." elsie breathed out as she stared at her boyfriend lovingly.

"and i love you." he smiled before he leaned down and pressed his lips against hers.

they continued to kiss for a few moments before they were forced to pull away by the sound of the doorbell ringing.

"come on, let's go celebrate you." austin smirked as he intertwined their hands together.

he led her towards the front door before opening it to reveal hailey and justin.

"hi, thank you for coming." elsie smiled as she let go of austin's hand to bring her friends into a hug.

"anytime! congratulations." hailey smiled as she hugged the girl back.

"are we the first ones here?" justin asked as austin closed the door behind them.

"yeah but it's better to be early than late." elsie shrugged causing hailey and justin to chuckle.

"we actually got you something to congratulate you on your first album releasing." hailey smiled as justin held out the bag for her to take.

"you guys didn't have to." elsie smiled as she grabbed the bag from justin's hands.

"we know but we wanted to." hailey shrugged before she urged elsie to open the bag.

elsie obliged and opened the bag to reveal a box that held a small heart necklace from tiffany & co.

"it's beautiful! thank you." elsie smiled as she pulled the married couple into a hug.

"anytime, elsie." justin smiled as the doorbell rang, signaling another person had arrived.

"babe, can you show them around while i get the door?" elsie asked as she looked up at her boyfriend.

"yeah, i'll take this to the room." austin told her as he reached for the bag in her hands.

"thank you." she smiled as she gave him a peck on the lips before she opened the door to reveal niall.

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