one hundred & fifty-five

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one hundred & fifty-five, love story

nearly two months had passed since marjorie had died and elsie had never felt as empty as she did when her grandmother took her last breath.

marjorie had been a mother figure to her throughout her childhood and she had grown attached to her grandmother.

it was like losing her other half but elsie knew that her grandmother was no longer suffering and she had been reunited with her gramps.

a few weeks after marjorie had passed, they held a funeral for her in france and she had been buried next to elsie's grandfather.

overall, the funeral had went by smoothly but elsie couldn't ignore the glares that her mother and sister threw austin's way and elsie wasn't having any of it.

he was a part of her life now and she wasn't gonna allow them to be rude to him right in front of her.

especially when they were grieving her grandmothers death.

the confrontation ended with elsie officially cutting ties with her mother and remaining distant with her sister.

after that day, elsie knew in her heart that she had made the right choice by choosing austin over her mother.

he had defended her and didn't allow kaira to meddle between their relationship.

he truly loved her and elsie loved him.

elsie had also finished filming for the corpse bride and was now living with austin for the time being.

she had made the decision to buy her childhood home and was currently having a few renovations done to it the way she wanted and until it was ready, she'd be living in los angeles with austin.

everything was coming full circle for elsie and she was loving how her life was turning out.

after hearing about elsie's loss, taylor had reached out to her and the two had been communicating everyday since. 

taylor knew what it was like to lose her grandmother and the two had created a stronger bond because of it. 

which lead to elsie attending one of her shows in arlington. (arlington n2 supremacy!!!)

the two had arrived to the stadium hand-in-hand as security escorted them to the vip tent.

a few fans had caught sight of them which caused for the entire stadium to scream at the sight of the two together. 

austin and elsie shared a smile as they waved to a few fans before disappearing in the tent. 

"hi andrea!" elsie smiled as she brought taylor's mom into a hug. 

"hi elsie! it's so good to see you!" andrea smiled as they hugged. 

"it's good to see you as well!" elsie stated as they pulled away from the hug. 

"it's good to see you scott." elsie smiled as the two quickly embraced each other. 

"we're so glad you could make it! taylor told me how much she wanted for you to come and see the show!" andrea stated excitedly. 

"believe me, i've been excited to see her perform again." elsie laughed before she turned to austin. 

"this is austin, my boyfriend. austin, this is taylor's parents, andrea and scott." elsie introduced the three as they each shook hands with him. 

"it's nice to meet the two of you." austin smiled.

soon after they had arrived, selena had joined them with her little sister and the two singers had caught up with one another as austin and gracie talked to each other. 

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