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sixteen, realization

it was wednesday morning and elsie sat in her trailer as she attempted to mimic priscilla's eyeliner.

for today, they were shooting the scene when elvis discovers martin luther king jr was shot and killed.

as elsie attempted to do her eyeliner, jailhouse rock by elvis presley played from her speakers.

"the warden threw a party in the county jail, the prison band was there, and they began to wail." elsie sang as she tapped her foot against the floor of her trailer.

"nice singing." austin remarked as he leaned against the entrance of elsie's trailer, startling the girl.

"how long have you been there?" elsie asked as she turned to face him.

"enough to hear you sing the first two verses of the song." he smirked before he walked in and placed elsie's coffee on the makeup table.

"i got you your favorite." he told her as a smile formed on elsie's face.

"you're the best." she exclaimed as she grabbed the cup of coffee before taking a sip, a soft hum escaping her mouth as the liquid hit her throat.

"australia has the best coffee ever!" elsie remarked causing austin to laugh at her comment.

"i told you, you were missing out." austin teased as he leaned against one of the tables in elsie's trailer.

"yeah, yeah. you were right, i was wrong." elsie remarked as she rolled her eyes playfully.

"glad you're accepting the fact that you were wrong." austin smirked causing elsie to chuckle at his antics.

"don't let it feed your ego, austin. guys with big egos aren't attractive." elsie teased.

"oh, so you think i'm attractive?" he asked with a quirked brow.

elsie's cheeks flushed red and she began to stutter.

"i, uh, shut up." elsie groaned before suspicious minds by elvis presley began to play from her speakers causing austin to smile.

"are you seriously listening to elvis while you're shouting a movie about elvis?" he asked as he tilted his head slightly.

"yeah. you can either join me and sing or leave, your choice." elsie told him as she stood up.

"we're caught in a trap, i can't walk out because i love you too much baby." elsie sang as she began to dance to the music.

"why can't you see, what you're doin' to me?" she sang as austin watched in amusement.

"when you don't believe a word i say?" she sang as she held out her hand, pretending it's a microphone, to austin.

he glanced down at her hand before rolling his eyes and joining her.

"we can't go on together with suspicious minds." austin sang causing elsie's smile to grow.

"and we can't build our dreams on suspicious minds." the two sang together as they danced together.

the two continued to sing along to the song as they danced in elsie's trailer, their stress disappearing as they danced and sang together.

"oh, let our love survive." elsie sang causing austin to stare in admiration as elsie sang high note.

"i'll dry the tears from your eyes." he sang as he smiled at elsie.

as the song came to an end, elsie couldn't help but stare at austin as her heart raced.

she hadn't noticed how blue his eyes were until now and she thought they were the most beautiful eyes she had ever seen.

"i think you're in the wrong industry, ellie. why aren't you a singer?" he asked as he breathed heavily from the dancing they had just did.

"i like acting better than singing." elsie shrugged before the song changed to can't help falling in love by elvis presley.

austin glanced over at the speaker before looking back at elsie with a small smirk.

"may i have this dance?" he asked as he held his hand out for her to take.

elsie chuckled lightly before nodding and placing her hand in his.

austin gently pulled her into his arms before elsie laid her head on his chests and his arms snaked around her waist.

"wise men say only fools rush in."

elsie closed her eyes as the two rocked back and forth, their heartbeats syncing together.

"but i can't help falling in love with you."

austin rests his cheek on elsie's head before he too closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling of elsie being in his arms.

as they slow danced in elsie's trailer, the two couldn't help but notice the familiar sensation in their stomachs.

a sensation neither of them had felt since their last relationships and it scared them.

they were scared of their newfound feelings ruining their friendship.

but elsie couldn't help but wonder if he felt the same as she did.

and austin couldn't help but wonder if she was the one he had been missing all along.

"for i can't help falling in love with you."

the song came to a close and the two lifted their heads up and stared into each other's eyes, their hands not leaving each other's.

"i should go and change." austin stated as he continued to stare into elsie's blue irises.

"and i should finish my makeup." elsie agreed but neither of them could find it in themselves to pull away from each other.

"elsie! baz needs you and austin on set in 15 minutes! and before you ask me how do i know austin's in there, don't ask! just make sure the two of you aren't late!" roxanne yelled before she walked away from elsie's trailer.

"i should go but i'll see you out there mrs presley." austin smirked as he began to make his way towards the door of elsie's trailer.

"see you out there mr presley." she replied before austin left the trailer, leaving elsie alone.

"oh my god, i'm in deep shit." elsie cursed as she covered her face with her hands.

elsie knew that she was starting to develop feelings for austin but what she didn't know was that austin felt the exact same way about her.


austin and elsie supremacy because wtf 🥹

austin matching elsie's energy >>>

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