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thirty-eight, met gala pt. two

after walking the red carpet, elsie had gathered inside with the rest of the celebrities that had already arrived while the others who had just arrived, walked the carpet.

elsie had parted from austin to greet a few of her friends while he did the same.

"ellie!" madison beer exclaimed as the two girls hugged.

"your dress is amazing, mads! let me guess, marilyn monroe?" elsie asked with a smile.

"of course! don't tell me mama verona designed your dress." madison exclaimed with a smile.

"she did." elsie nodded.

"she did an amazing job! did she recreate marilyn's red dress?" madison asked as she admired the details of the dress.

"yeah, she picked everything. i'm just wearing what she designed." elsie shrugged causing madison to laugh.

"and you're absolutely rocking it!" she smiled as olivia rodrigo walked past the two.

"livy!" elsie called causing the teenager to stop and smile at elsie.

"elsie, you look incredible!" olivia gushed as the two hugged.

"and you look amazing. it's giving punk rock." elsie smiled as the two held hands.

"that's the kind of vibe i was going for. let me guess, marilyn monroe?" olivia asked as she pointed between madison and elsie's dress.

"the one and only." madison smiled.

"is this your guys' first met?" olivia asked the two.

"yeah." the two answered with a nod.

"seriously? now i feel better knowing this isn't only my first time here." olivia breathed out in relief.

"there's a lot of us who haven't been to a met before." elsie informed her as billie joined the three singers.

"you three look amazing!" billie complimented the three with a smile.

"you look gorgeous! your dress is beautiful!" madison exclaimed.

"mine? look at yours! you guys were inspired by the literal icon of fashion and yours is punk rock and i love it!"

"were you guys nervous before coming?" elsie asked the three as the room began to fill up with more celebrities.

"honestly, yeah. my nerves on the drive here were absolutely insane but after going through the stairs, i've definitely calmed down quite a bit." olivia explained as the three nodded.

"it didn't hit me until i was fully dressed, hair and makeup done. after i saw my reflection, my nerves immediately kicked in and it all became real." elsie ranted.

"literally same. i was fine this entire morning but as soon as i started getting ready, i felt the nerves hit me like a ton of bricks. it was insane." madison agreed.

"going into this, i was afraid that i'd be absolutely scared out of my mind but you guys are literally helping with my anxiety right now." elsie told the three causing them to smile.

"if it ever gets me, just yell for one of us and we'll be by your side asap!" madison smiled at the girl before the four walked to their tables to eat.

"hey, did you talk to any of your friends?" austin asked as he pulled out the chair for elsie to sit.

"no but i think i've made a few more." elsie commented as she sat down beside austin.

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