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eighth-four, the truth

*read this as if you're watching a youtube video*

"hey bitch, it's drew and welcome back to another episode of the comment section show, starring me, that girl who's a little bit sick and no it's not covid, so don't start with me." she stated as she looked at the camera.

"anyways, on the show we have none other than world renowned actress and singer and personally one of my favorite celebrities to ever exist, elsie verona!" she stated as she pointed to elsie.

"hi everyone." elsie smiled as a small laugh escaped past her lips.

"i have been anticipating this day since you agreed to come on the show, it's been the literal highlight of this month, maybe even this year." drew remarked as she let out a laugh.

"i've been counting down the days and it honestly feels like time moved slow as i waited in anticipation for this day to come." elsie laughed.

"i'm honestly so happy to have you here, you have been taking the industry by storm when you transitioned into music as well. how has that journey been for you?" drew asked curiously.

"it's been a journey. of course, as we have seen all over the internet, many people were very negative about me branching out to new things but i have to say, there were much more positive feedback and that's what ultimately motivated me to keep going."

"how has the feedback from the release of your first ever single affected you?"

"i'm going to be quite blunt but it was absolute hell for the first few weeks and maybe even months since my single was released. of course, i didn't expect for many people to embrace it but i didn't expect the level of hate and animosity the song brought towards my family and i."

"from what i saw, you and your family were receiving many nasty messages and a flood of death threats filled your comment section."

"yeah, when the death threats started, that was when my mental health had reached it's peak and ultimately led to me announcing my break from social media because the hate had gotten that bad."

"being a very public figure on social media ultimately puts targets on our backs because we post our lives on the internet for everyone to see. although you were very private about your life, people still found ways to say very hateful and cruel things about you and your family."

"it honestly amazes me how easily someone can post a nasty comment on the internet without a second thought. no one really knows the affect their words have on someone and unfortunately for online personalities like yourself and celebrities like me, we deal with hateful messages almost every single day up to thousands of messages and comments. and as women in the industry, we receive ten times the hate men receive because we simply exist and are existing around men, which is the sad reality women everywhere face."

"which brings me to our topic of the day, societal double standards. what is your opinion on societal's double standards on women vs their standards on men?"

"it's honestly degrading to see how easily men are praised for shit that we get hate for. especially when it involves relationships, people tend to take the mens side in the breakup when they don't know the entire truth. it's exhausting as a women to see how people are taking mens side in a situation that they don't even know the entire facts about."

"how has having a relationship in the public eye affected you?"

"it's given me a reason to stay silent because of how easily people believe fabrications and just run with it without questioning the source and getting the actual facts from both parties involved."

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