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twenty-one, strange encounters

after the chaotic night the group of celebrities had endured, elsie decided it would be nice to wind down and get to talk to everyone without being watched or being crowded in a single hotel room.

so, the blue eyed actresses rented a yacht for the day and planned a day out on the ocean for the group of friends to enjoy themselves before they were forced to go back to the chaos that was called their job.

although they absolutely loved and adored what they do, they often wished it didn't come with the constant paparazzi and articles being written about them.

they wish they were able to do what they love without being watched by millions of people around the world.

it was like they were all waiting for them to make a mistake and ridicule them for their mistake.

which is why elsie thought it would be a good idea to spend a day out without fans or paparazzi snapping a picture of them.

she wanted them to have a fun day. a day where they were no longer celebrities but they were people with normal lives.

so, elsie woke up earlier than everyone to go down to the local market and grab enough food and snacks for everyone to eat.

she even went down to the local target and grabbed a picnic basket and cooler to place all the drinks and food in.

as elsie grabbed the last items she needed, she exited the aisle just as someone was entering.

"i'm so sorry." she apologized as she looked up just to be met with blue eyes that she would recognize from anywhere.

"elsie?" he asked as he stared down at the girl with confusion.

"luke, hi." she greeted as she felt her heart beat beginning to increase as he stared at her.

"i didn't know you were in australia." he stated as he furrowed his brow.

"yeah, we're filming the movie i'm starring in here." elsie informed him with a nod.

"right, i must've skipped that part in the article. how is it going?" he asked.

"it's going really good. i have a few more weeks left before i leave back home." elsie nodded as she glanced at the people walking past them.

"so, what brings you to target on a saturday? i'd figure you'd be busy filming."

"it's our weekend off. i was planning a day out on the ocean since my friends came down to visit me for the weekend." elsie explained causing him to nod.

"and i'm assuming jackie came down as well?" luke asked.

"yeah, she did. austin actually got them to fly down here since i was feeling a little homesick."

"that was nice of him." luke nodded before he felt a hand on his arm.

"hey, i got the stuff we need to make lasagna." the girl glanced over and met eyes with elsie.

"sierra, this is elsie. elsie, this is sierra, my girlfriend." luke introduced the two, wishing he were anywhere but there.

"it's nice to meet you. the boys never stop talking about you." sierra smiled as the two shook hands.

"good things, i hope." elsie chuckled as she readjusted the basket in her hands.

"amazing things." sierra nodded with a smile.

"well, i should get going if i want to make it to the yacht in time but it was nice seeing you guys." elsie smiled before the three said their goodbyes and parted ways.

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