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It was around midnight when I woke up to someone shaking me awake calling my name. It was Mrs. Campbell.

"What's going on?"

"Grace something's happened." Her voice was shaky.

I looked at her and saw her eyes all teary and red. You know the feeling when you know something really bad has happened and you feel it at the pit of your stomach? Well that's exactly what's happening here.

"What do you mean, what's wrong?" All of a sudden I look outside the game room window and see red and blue flashing lights. The police. Why are the police here? What's going on? Why is Mrs. Campbell crying?

All of a sudden Daniel woke up too.

"Mom? What's going on why are the police here?"

"Daniel go get your father his wallet and keys they're in his room the  bring them downstairs."

"But mom what's going on-"

"Daniel hurry!"

"Okay, okay!"

Me and Mrs. Campbell walked downstairs and saw Mr. Campbell speaking with some police officers downstairs.

Mr. Campbell turned around when he heard us, "There she is."

Me? What did I do?

The police officer approached me and bent down to me and spoke.

"Hi sweet heart, I am Sgt. Morris are you Gracie Miller?"

I nodded.

"Listen kiddo me and my partner need to know is your mommy Dr. Ella Miller?"

I felt my stomach and heart drop. Oh no. My eyes started getting teary eyed and I nodded.

The officer looked at me and sighed with much guilt and heartache. "Listen sweetie um on your Mom's way here to pick you up from the hospital she got into a car accident after being hit by a drunk driver and she was taken to the hospital but umm unfortunately she passed away at the-"

All of a sudden I felt the room around me get darker and the sound of the officers voice got quieter.

I fainted.

I woke up in a hospital. It wasn't just any hospital it was the hospital in which my mom worked at. I looked around and saw the child like wall decor around the room since I was in the pediatrics bay.

 I looked around and saw the child like wall decor around the room since I was in the pediatrics bay

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I turned my head saw Mr and Mrs Campbell in the hallway talking to the doctor. I had a headache. I groaned at the cluster of pain I felt because of the fall I took.

All of a sudden Mrs. Campbell made her way over to me with the doctor.

"Gracie this is Dr. Chen."

"Hi." I shyly responded.

"Hi sweetie, it looks like you suffered a concussion from the fall but other than that nothing seems to be out of the ordinary. I'm just gonna get you're blood work finished so you can be all set so you're ready to go home."

Home. There's the word. Do I even know what it means anymore? My moms gone. Yes I fainted and yes I had a concussion but I still remembered that I lost my mom. Tears started to fill my eyes.

Mrs. Campbell just embraced me in a hug and I cried for what felt like hours.

A few hours passed by and I was released from the hospital and we returned to the Campbell's residence. It was already 9AM, Daniel, Saxon and Sophie were eating breakfast at the table with their grandparents who I guess took care of them while we were gone.

As soon as we walked in Daniel ran towards me and gave me a hug followed by Saxon and Sophie. I started crying on Daniel's shoulder.

The day has felt like it has been dragging. I don't know what to do. I don't want to eat. I don't even want to sleep. I just want my mom. It's always been just the two of us and know it's just me and I don't know what to do.

Mrs. Campbell came over to me who was sat on the Sofa. "Hey Grace how about we stop by at your house and pick you up some clothes and your tooth brush. You'll be staying with us for the time being."

I nodded.

Mrs. Campbell drove Daniel and I to my house and we all got off. I got the key that was hidden inside a fake rock and handed it to Mrs. Campbell who opened the door.

We walked inside. The living room was just like we left it yesterday. The way so much can change in the span of hours is just unbelievable. I was literally having breakfast and talking to me mom yesterday morning in this very kitchen and now she's gone and I have no one - aside from the Campbells.

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