The Letter

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It's been a few weeks. I've been staying with the Campbells this whole time since everything happened. We buried my mom a week ago and I haven't gone to school this whole time. I go back tomorrow and even though I don't want to, I was told I either go back to school or I repeat the school year all over again.

My mom left a will and her lawyer dropped off a copy of it yesterday at the Campbell house along with a letter to both me and another letter to the Campbells. I haven't read my letter.

My mom left the house to me along with whatever money she had left. It wasn't much but it was enough to get me through the rest of school and college.

Mrs. Campbell has been doing her best trying to fill in the void of my mother but nothing and no one can ever  replace mom. But Mrs. Campbell is going above and beyond doing what she knows my mom would've done for her if the roles were ever reversed.

I was outside in the yard just getting some fresh air and just thinking. Even since before my mom passed I never felt out of place here with the Campbells and I appreciate everything they have done for me but it's hard seeing Daniel, Saxon and Sophie around their mom and dad knowing I'm missing mine.

I know I can never get my mom back but often times I think of my dad. Where is he? Who is he? Right now I need him more than ever and he isn't even here. He probably either doesn't care or doesn't know I exist which either way hurts.

I see the Campbells as a family and I wonder why couldn't I have that? Why did I have to lose my mother and not have my father be in my life. I'm okay essentially an orphan. I looked down in my hands holding the letter my mom left me. Should I open it?

I contemplated it for a while. This would be the last words my mother would ever tell me and I can't bare the thought but I also am dying to know what it says.

I opened it.

Dear Grace,

If you're reading this letter something happened to me. As your mother I can only prepare you so much for the world and teach you as much as I can for as long as I can. From the moment you were born I loved you larger than life and no matter where I am right now I will still always love you larger than life.

You now have to prepare to face life without me and while it may be hard I believe in you and know that you will grow to be the amazing woman I know you will be.

Life can be hard but life can also be beautiful. You need to understand that storms pass and this too shall pass. You shall heal, you shall grow, you shall love.

Find people you love and hold onto them tight, make amazing friendships, make amazing memories, go off on adventures and new experiences. Learn something new and never stop growing and learning. Be creative, be smart, but most importantly is be yourself and never lose sight of who you truly are.

Just because I cannot be there with you physically doesn't mean that I am not their in spirit as I will always be a light to guide you. I know you must have so many questions you wish you could ask me but I know the one question probably pondering your mind right now is where your father is.

I know you've always been curious about your dad but you don't want to ask but you deserve to know who he is. Your fathers name is Anthony.
The one thing I wish I could've given you was time with your father Grace.

He's a lot like you, intelligent, charming, determined and fierce. When I found out I was pregnant your father was in a moment in his life where I don't know if he could've been a father, I don't even know if he is right now but still your father never found out I was pregnant with you.

That is something I don't know if I was right in doing. Keeping him from you or even keeping you from him. But it's never too late Grace. I know that right now you need a parent figure in your life and while I know the Campbells love you and would watch over you, if you ever decide you want to meet your father Anthony the way to find him is in a little hidden drawer under my desk. The key is your necklace.

I love you my darling. I hope you live your life to the fullest and one day we shall see each other again.



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