Touch and Go

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1 Hour Later

I hurt her, my stupid actions got her hurt and now she is in the hospital because of me. I barely got her a few months ago and she's already in the hospital. I can't believe this happened. All of a sudden Pepper and Happy walked in the door.

"How is she?!" Happy asked.

"She's in surgery, she lost a lot of blood."

"Tony I can't believe how stupid and irresponsible you were!" Pepper yelled at me and rightfully so.

"You're right Pepper it was stupid and irresponsible. I will never forgive myself. She's just a kid I don't know what I'm going to do if she doesn't make it."

"When will they give us an update?" Happy asked.

"I don't know."
5 Hours Later

"Family of Grace Miller?" We all stood up as the doctor came into the waiting room.

"It was touch and go for a little while, but she pulled through. She's going to be okay." The doctors said, I sighed in relief.

"When can we see her?" I asked the doctor.

"Right now I can only allow one visitor at a time until she wakes up. Come on follow me I'll take you to her room."

The doctor said leading the way, I walked into the children's wing and I saw Grace there lying on the hospital bed asleep probably due to the anesthesia.

"It will be a little while until she wakes up. She had a concussion so she might wake up with a bit of a headache, I'll come check on her in a few hours."

"Thank you." I said truly grateful. I went over to Grace she seemed so helpless and innocent and because of my actions which I will never forgive myself she got hurt.

"I'm so sorry Grace, I'm truly sorry, as a father and your only parent left I am supposed to protect you and I didn't instead here you are because I got you hurt. I don't know how I am supposed to move on from this, how I am going to live with this, I hope you can one day forgive me." I said holding her hand giving it a kiss. "I got a second chance with you and I'm not going to blow it."


1 Hour Later
I was asleep on the chair and got woken up by the sound of Grace's voice.

"Where am I?" She asked.

"Hey monkey, you're in the hospital. You feeling okay?"

"My head hurts a little bit." She said rubbing her head.

"I know monkey, I know but it's going to go away in a little while."

"Who are you?" She asked me. I looked at her confused.

"What do you mean monkey?"

"Who are you I don't remember?"

Amnesia. She must of lost her memory because of the concussion.

"I'm your daddy monkey." I said trying to remind her.

"So if you're my daddy, where's my mommy?" Oh boy. Suddenly Pepper and Happy walked in with balloons and a teddy bears.

"Hey kid glad you're doing okay." Happy told her as Pepper sat down in a chair next to her.

"Hey sweetheart." Pepper said smiling at her giving her a kiss on the head.

"Hi mommy." Pepper looked at me in shocked and so did Happy.

"Umm Pepper can I talk to you for a sec?" Pepper and I walked out of the room and down to the hallway. "The doctors told me that Grace sustained a concussion and I think she's having signs of memory loss cause she didn't even recognize me and she was asking for her mom."

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