The Call

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"Happy Hogan? I thought you said your dad's name is Anthony." Daniel questioned.

I shrugged, "Maybe it's a nickname?"

"One way to find out." Daniel pressed the dial on the number.

"Daniel! Oh no it's ringing." I glared at Daniel.

"Well you obviously were still contemplating it so...."

Suddenly we heard a man's voice on the line.





Daniel looked and me and mouthed to say something. I shook my head but then the man said, "Ella is this you? Are you okay?"

I looked at Daniel. And spoke on the phone.

"Umm hi."

"Who is this?" The man on the line questioned.

"I'm Grace, I'm looking for Anthony?"


"Hello, my name is Grace Miller, my mother told me I could reach Anthony through this phone number?"

"Where is your mother?"

I looked at Daniel. He nodded.

"She passed away a few weeks ago in a car accident, she left me a letter telling me that I could contact my father Anthony on this number. Are you Anthony?"

"Ella's dead?"

"Yeah." I said as I sighed, hating talking about this.

"Who's taking care of you kid?"

I was about to say before Daniel signaled me not to answer the question. I mute the phone.

"You can't just tell a random stranger where you live." Daniel pointed out.

I unmuted the phone.

"Before I answer, can you please tell me who you are?"



"My name is Harold Hogan, but I go by Happy. Your mother was a good friend of mine. I'm sorry for your loss."

"Do you happen to know my father?" I questioned.

"As a matter of fact, I do, but it's complicated. I'm sure your mother told you that your father doesn't know that he has a child.  But again who is taking care of you?"

"I am staying with a friend."

"Listen kid, let me see what I can do in the matter of your dad. It won't be easy but it's time for him to step up. Keep this phone with you, I'll be in contact."



With that the call ended and I looked up to Daniel.  "That was-"

"Weird." Daniel said as he finished my sentence.

"Do you think he actually knows your dad?"

"I mean why would my mom tell me who my dad is and to look in such a specific place in the house for a phone if he didn't know my dad?"

"I get your point, but why all the secrecy?"

"What do you mean?" I questioned.

"Well I mean why didn't she just tell you before who your dad is? Why do you have to communicate with this Happy guy in order to speak to your dad? Why all the trouble?"

Daniel was right. Why is it so hard to get in contact with him? Who even is he? I mean I now know that his name is Anthony but who is he that someone else is communicating for him?


[3 Months Later]

Still no word. I've been patiently waiting for a call back from Mr. Hogan but I haven't gotten anything. Maybe my dad doesn't want to meet me after all. Maybe when he heard the news that he had a child he didn't want to deal with the responsibility. It hurt...a lot. One parent was taken away from me and one parent disowned me.

I was snapped out by my train of thought by Mrs. Campbell calling out from downstairs.

"Grace! Dinner is ready!"

"Coming!" I call back.

I make my way downstairs to see Mr. Campbell playing with Sophie pretending to fly her around like if she was an airplane. I smiled at the sound of Sophie's laughter but was also saddened as for the past few weeks I imagined what my life could have been like if my father had been in my life.

Me and Daniel never told Mr. or Mrs. Campbell about what was in the letter my mom wrote or about the phone call with Mr. Hogan.

"Hey Grace you alright?" Daniel said as he put his hand on my shoulder?

"Yeah, yeah. It's nothing." I gave Daniel a weak smile and while I know he didn't believe me he left the conversation at bay.

"Alrighty everyone I made Ribs with loaded potatoes and a side salad. Come sit at the table!" Mrs. Campbell said proud at the work she had done on the beautiful food.

As much as I loved Mrs. Campbells cooking nothing compared to the food my mom used to make me. I barely picked at my food at dinner when suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Are you expecting anyone?" Mrs. Campbell asked her husband.

"Not that I know of? Who could it be?" Mr. Campbell said as he got up and went to open the door.


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