Phase II

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I was down in the lab working on Dad's suit. Happy was upstairs watching Downton Abbey. I was recalibrating the sensors on the suit. I had a TV downstairs in the lab that was looking for any live new stream associated with Iron Man.

J.A.R.V.I.S.: Miss Grace I have found news footage in Germany mentioning Iron Man. Would you like me to play it?

"Yes Jarvis pull it up on the monitor."

On the TV it showed a guy in a weird costume with a staff fighting dad and Captain America. They ended up capturing him.

"Yes! Good work dad!" I yelled in excitement that they caught the guy we know as 'Loki'. I sent my dad a message


"Dad 🤖❤️"

Great job in catching Loki!
Just saw it on the news.

Too easy.
Something's up. Stay alert.

What do you mean?

He didn't put up much of a fight.
I don't trust him.
He's playing with us.

Please be careful.

You too.
Where's Happy?

Watching Downton Abbey.
I don't get his obsession.

I don't either. Haha.

(End of text messages)

I walked upstairs and found Happy deeply focused on an episode.

"They caught him!" I said.

"Who?! Where?!" Happy said as he jumped up startled.


"Who's Loki? That better not be a boy your having over Grace!" Happy said unaware of what was going on.

"No Happy. They caught Loki, the guy from dads mission."

"Oh okay. Yeah that makes more sense."

"I'm gonna go down to the lab and finish working on the suit." I said grabbing a slice of left over pizza from last night.

"Don't stay up too late! Remember to brush your teeth!" Happy said as I walked away.

"I'm fourteen Happy!"


(A Few Hours Later)

I was making a few modifications to the suit when all of a sudden I got an alert on my computer. I guess dad connected the magnets to a the main computer.

"Alrighty time to uncover some juicy government secrets." I said to myself as I began my hack.

First I looked for any information related to Tony Stark, Iron Man, or the business as dad was really interested in seeing what they had on us. Then after that I started downloading S.H.I.E.L.D. Classified files. I found information related to the tesseract.

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