The Visitor

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[Grace's POV]

Mr. Campbell opened to reveal a tall blonde man in a blue suit. He was holding a brown leather briefcase.

"Can I help you?" Mr. Campbell questioned wanting to know who this peculiar man was standing at the doorway on a Thursday evening.

"Good evening, my name is Douglas Edmond from Edmonds Law Office. Are you the current guardian of Grace Miller?"

Mr. Campbell looked at Mrs. Campbell who stood up and walked over to them.

"That depends, may I ask what this is in reference to?"

"May we please speak in private?"

Mr. and Mrs. Campbell stepped outside with the lawyer and closed the door.

I looked at Daniel.

"Why do you think he's here?" Daniel questioned.

"Maybe since my mom passed and my dad hasn't shown up I'm going to be placed in a foster home?" I said with a concerned look on my face.

"My parents would never let that happen."

"Then why else could he be here?"

"Maybe he's here about your dad?" Daniel said with uncertainty in his voice.

"I don't know."


It was about 20 minutes later that Mr. and Mrs. Campbell were outside speaking with the lawyer when they finally came inside but looked shocked. The lawyer had left.

"What was that about?" Daniel asked his parents.

"Grace umm tomorrow we have to take you to the family court." Mr. Campbell explained only to be cut off my Daniel.

"What why?!"

"We were going to wait to tell all of you this but we had filed for custody to adopt Grace but unfortunately our Custody papers were denied."

"Why'd it get denied?" I asked saddened, Mrs. Campbell bent down to my knees.

"Grace, um, your dad is in town."


"And he's taken steps in finalizing your adoption."

"He's...adopting me? He knows I exist?"

"Yes but there's a bit of a hiccup." Mr. Campbell explained, "Grace you're moving to California."

"California?!" I questioned.

"Your father he's taking you home with him and he lives over there."

"But Grace can't leave, we're best friends." Daniel said mad because he didn't want me to leave.

"It's out of our hands. The paperwork has been finalized. She leaves tomorrow morning."

"No this isn't fair!" Daniel said as he ran upstairs and locked himself in his room while I just stood there shocked not knowing how to react. On the bright side I get to finally be with my father but it also means I have to leave the people I've known and loved my whole life including my best friend to move with someone I barely know across the country.

"Gracie I'll help you pack you should eat and get some rest you'll have a long day ahead of you tomorrow." Mrs. Campbell said, I gave her a weak smile.

All my life all I ever wanted was to meet my father and now that I'm about to tomorrow I just don't know how to feel about it. What if he is mean, what if he doesn't like me, what if he feels guilty about my mom dying and is only taking me in because he has to. The Campbells became a sort of adoptive family to me and I'm not sure I want to lose that. I've grown attached to them and I'm not sure I can bare to lose more people from my life.

What if?



Today is the day I meet my dad. Daniel hasn't even talked to me since yesterday. I guess he's really mad about my dad moving me to California but I'm only 6 it's not like I get a say as to where I want to live. But it hurt, it hurt that after all me and Daniel have been through he isn't talking to me even though this could be the last day we ever see each other again.

It's kind of a bittersweet moment. I knocked on Daniel's door.




"Daniel are you there?"


"Daniel I really want to talk to you before I leave your mom is taking me to the courthouse in a few minutes"

There was a moment of silence.

"Just go be with your dad and leave I don't ever want to see you again." Daniel said through the other side of the door.

I was shocked. Hurt. I felt betrayed. My best friend who I've known all my life shutting me out in a time where I would need him the most. I sighed.

"Goodbye Daniel" I whispered knowing he didn't hear me.

I walked downstairs to see Mr and Mrs . Campbell waiting at the door my luggage already in the car since they were going to take me to the courthouse . I said goodbye to the Gremlins and walked outside and got into the car looking back on the house I spent the most life changing time of my life only thinking back to Daniel not even saying goodbye.


We arrived at the courthouse. We walked over to the family court room #3 holding with Mr. and Mrs. Campbell holding each of my hands with me in the middle.

A tall pretty woman with an auburn hair color walked outside and greeted us.

"Why hello there you must be Mr. and Mrs. Campbell, I'm Pepper Potts." She shook their hand and bent down to me, "You must be Grace, your even more adorable and precious in person." I smiled at the compliment.

"Follow me Tony will be waiting inside."

Tony? Oh wait that's short for Anthony duh! This is it the moment I've been waiting my whole life for.

They opened the doors and we walked inside where I saw.....



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