Where is Home?

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After reading the letter I don't know what to do. Should I find my father? Should I blow up his entire world and tell him he has a long-lost daughter he's never even met, or should I just move on with my life and live with the Campbells?

As much as I love the Campbells I can't help but feel as though there is a part of me that is missing, a part of me that has always been longing my father. I was snapped out of my train of thought by the footsteps of Daniel approaching me.

"Are you doing okay?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "Yeah I guess, I just really miss my mom."

Daniel gave me a hug.

"I found out who my dad is." I blurted out.

Daniel looked at me. "Really?"

I nodded. "Yeah my mom told me in the letter she wrote me. She said his name is Anthony

"Well that's great isn't it? I mean you've always wanted to find out."

"Yeah but the thing is he doesn't even know I exist."

"What do you mean?" Daniel questioned.

"Well when my mom was pregnant she never told my dad she was having a baby so my dad never knew he had a daughter. What if I meet him and he doesn't want anything to do with me, or I am not the daughter he hoped I would be, or if-"
Daniel interrupted me, "Hey! You'll never find out by guessing the only thing you can do is meet him face to face."

"I am just scared. I already had one parent that was taken away from me I don't want to be abandoned by my other one."

"It will be okay. Did your mom at least tell you how to even find him?"

"She said that anything I needed to know would be in a secret cabinet under her desk. The one I am guessing is in her office."

"Well let's go to your house and look for whatever is inside."

"Hey whatever happens just know that I will be by your side and if anything happens just know that my family will always be your family. You know my mom and dad love you, sometimes I think even more so than me, Saxon, and Sophie combined."

"I know." I joked.

Me and Daniel rode our bikes over to my house. I hadn't gone there in a few weeks not since the funeral. Mrs. Campbell thought it would be a good idea to collect some of my things and take it to their house, so I could feel more at home.

The thing is I don't know what home is now. It's not my old house anymore it feels so cold and lonely, and as much as I know Mrs. Campbell wants to their house isn't my home either. They have their own family. Again, I appreciate everything that they have don't for me, but it just feels like I need something different in my life right now.

We got to my house and I pulled out the spare key and unlocked the door. We walked upstairs to my Mom's old office. I got to her desk and saw a picture of me and her on our vacation to Tulum. My mother was still paying off her student loans so we never really got the chance to travel a lot but this was by the nicest place we ever went to together.

I got all teary eyed at the thought of that trip with my mother. I smiled.

"You okay?" Daniel asked noticing the tears falling down my face.

I wiped them off and sniffled. "Yeah just remembering such a nice time."

We looked at the desk there were no obvious signs of secret cabinets until we looked under the desk. There was a little weird shaped lock within the desk.

"Well we don't have a key, so what are we going to do now?

"No wait! They key it's my necklace."

I took off my necklace and put the gem inside the keyhole and turned it and the cabinet unlocked. We pulled the cabinet open and it revealed an orange envelope.

"You should open it." Daniel stated.

Inside it was a phone. I turned it on and went to the call screen. There was only one number and it was labeled as "Happy Hogan".


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