New York 2012

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[2012-Grace's POV]

Your probably wondering what has happened in the past four years. Well not too much has changed.

Pepper and dad are still dating, Dad and Pepper turned Stark Industries into an energy and tech company focusing on helping the world become better rather than how it was before where they would mass produce weapons.

Dad has actually let me have work with him in the lab and let's just say working with a guy who's IQ is higher than most of the human population has it's advantages. I've learned a lot from dad, I even have been helping him build his current Iron Man suit.

We've been getting a lot of visits from uncle Coulson lately. He says he doesn't like it when I call him 'Uncle Coulson' but I know he secretly likes it. Something about Dad consulting on a project called the Avengers Initiative? I've kinda been helping dad out with it even though Uncle Coulson told it him it has to remain on the extreme DL.

We spend half of our time in New York now and half of the time in Malibu. Dad has been more present in his Iron Man suit, the government still hates him for it but it's okay he's got tons of supporters.

I was up in my room in the Stark Tower.

I still can't get over the sick view of the city

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I still can't get over the sick view of the city. I always dreamed of living in New York but I guess being a Stark dreams really do come true.

Well I'm kind of a Stark....

See dad still hasn't "legally" changed my name. The con of being a Stark is the publicity. Dad doesn't want the media after me. Imagine if the whole world new that THE Tony Stark had a long lost daughter? The media scrutiny would never end for him and me. Plus he's not just Tony Stark, he is also Iron Man someone with many enemies, enemies which dad wouldn't want knowing he had a daughter. Dad said I should stick with my mother's last name for my safety.

There was a knock on my door.

"Come in!" I say.

"Hey monkey."

"Hey dad.

"Come down and get dinner in an hour we're gonna order your favorite."

"Joe's Pizza?"

"Yup. To celebrate your idea of making Stark Tower a beacon of clean energy."

"Cool I'm just going to finish up some homework."

"Your a Stark, you could do it in your sleep." My dad joked and I laughed. Dad's been tutoring me, I'm actually way ahead in school but I kind of want to live a normal life. Dad thinks that I should finish school early and follow his footsteps in attending his Alma Matter, MIT. I could technically finish school early but I feel like I would miss out on a lot but MIT is my dream school. I kind of want to get in on my own merit, not because of my dad being Tony Stark.

I finished my work and walked downstairs to see...."Uncle Coulson?"

"Hey kid!" He said as I ran up and hugged him as he was standing at the door.

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