The Feelings We Have

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We were back at the house. Tony and Happy were on the porch grilling and sipping on some beers while May and Pepper were watching a reality TV show and drinking some wine in the living room.

Pepper looked over to see we had arrived. "Hey kids! How was exploring the beach?"

We enlightened them with our adventures that we had and Ned told them about the water fall he had found. We went outside to the patio and started a bonfire inside the pit.

"Hey Grace thanks again for bringing us along."

"Of course MJ, usually vacations are a bit lonely but it's nice having friends to spend some time with."

"It's better than being in the freezing cold in New York right now." Ned mentioned making everyone agreed.

"Speaking of New York, what school do you got to Grace?"

"I'm kind of homeschooled. It sucks but dad's convinced it's the best education I can get but in reality I just think he's scared of people finding out he has a daughter."

"Well our school isn't too big it's comprised of some of the smartest kids in New York, I'm sure you'd fit in just fine." MJ stated.

"Yeah it would be great to have you around. You should definitely come." Ned tried convincing me. 

"I don't know."

"You should come." Peter said as I looked over to him giving me a subtle smile.

"I'll talk it over with my dad to see what he says."

After dinner everyone went over to their rooms, I walked into the living room looking for my dad and I saw a small light outside. He was sat by the sand in front of the house. I walked outside and sat on the chair next to him. 

"Hey dad what you doing out here by yourself?"

"Hey monkey. Nothing much just doing some thinking."


"The future. About you, about Pepper, about our family. Just doing a little reflecting."

I smiled.

"What about you, what are you doing up."

"I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for letting me bring my friends along, I know you are a little weary about people knowing our secret."

"If you trust them, I do too. I'm just happy you're making friends."

"Thanks dad."

He looked over and smiled. "Now what did you really want to ask me?"

"What do you mean?" I played dumb.

"Come on monkey the only person that knows you better than me is Pepper. I know that look you have, you want to ask something."

I sighed. Here goes nothing. "I was thinking, now that I'm a bit older now and more mature and aware, I was wondering if maybe I could possibly go to a real school."


"Oh come on dad, please I promise you I'll be careful and I won't-." I paused. "Wait. Did you just say yes?"

He nodded. 

"Wow that was easy. Too easy, what's the catch?"

"No catch."

"Come on dad, there is always a catch."

"Monkey, the moment you started making friends, going out to places, I knew this question would come soon enough. You want to live a normal life, and while I'm not sure I can guarantee you that you'll ever have a normal life it doesn't mean that I shouldn't let you try."

"Wow, thanks dad. I don't know what to say."

"Promise me one thing monkey?"

"Sure dad."

"Take it easy on the teachers. They're no match for that Stark brain of yours."

We both laughed. 

"I will dad, I promise."

"Good now let's go back inside it's getting late."

We walked inside and I made my way up to my room and started getting ready for bed when there was a knock at my door.


Me and Ned were in my room playing video games.

"Hey so what's going on with you?" Ned asked. 

"What do you mean?"

"Grace invites you on a trip and you won't make a move."

"Woah wait. Where's that coming from?"

"Peter it's obvious Grace really likes you."

"No she doesn't. We are just friends."

"Yeah right friends."

"Come on man. She's just my friend plus do you know how badly Mr. Stark would react if he knew I liked his daughter."

"Dude it's obvious he knows."

"What? No he doesn't." I was taken aback.

"Dude, you spend literally any time you can with his daughter and never take your eye off her."

"I don't do that."

"Yeah you do."

"Whatever man." I said going back to playing the game. After a few seconds I turned back to look at Ned. "You really thinks she likes me?"

"I'd bet my entire Lego collection on it."

Peter smiled. In his heart he did have feelings for Grace but wasn't sure if the feeling was mutual. He wasn't sure if he should ruin such a good thing he has going on with Grace. He wasn't sure if his feelings were worth potentially ruining such and amazing friendship where he has someone that understands him.

"Hey man I'm out of the game I'll be right back." I said.

I got up and headed upstairs to Grace's room. I stood by her door and took a deep breathe. Here goes nothing.

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