After Ultron

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It's been 1 year since Ultron and well, the world is divided. There are those who say that the Avengers bring Chaos with there presence and there are those that have an admiration for them.

Dad kept his promise. I moved back in with him as soon as he got back. Mainly he's been doing a lot of damage control and overseeing relief foundations for the people of Sokovia.

I've been quite busy myself. We are using Grandpa Howard's old property in upstate New York to build a new Avengers Facility. One where the Avengers can live and train in peace and privately. Dad is letting me work on the schematics. We still live in Stark Tower though and while don't get me wrong it's nice being back home in a familiar environment I still want to experience a "normal teenage life" but Dad said it's not in the cards right now.

I'm not very known to the public. Dad tends to keep me shielded away besides my last name is still Miller so no one really makes a connection anyways....unless me and my dad are standing side by side as he is convinced I'm inheriting his "good looks".


"So what is this guys name again?" I asked my dad as we are in the lab and I was pointing to the video he was showing me.

"I don't know but the whole spider onesie get up isn't going him any favors." My dad said trying to contain his laughter.

"So what he's just super strong and can swing around New York?"

"Yeah and the other night I guess he swung by the tower and guess what? He wasn't wearing gloves. I was able to pull a print but I'm not getting any biometrics so I want you to monitor this guy until we can verify his identity. You never know he might make a good addition to the team."

"Gotcha. Once I do get biometrics?"

"Monitor him for the time being. I want to know if we can trust this guy before I make any sort of contact."

"So you want me to stalk a strange random old guy?" I asked.

"What makes you think he's old."

"I mean all you guys are. You, Bruce, I mean for crying out loud Steve is like a 100 years old. Let's face it dad you're not getting any younger."

"I'll remember that when it's time to give you your allowance."

"Then I'll tell Pepper you were the one who knocked over and broke her favorite statue in the living room."

"You wouldn't!" He said with a death glare.

"Try me." I said with a smirk crossing my arms.

"Just find the guy huh." He said annoyed walking out of the lab.


I sat down and was running the biometrics collected from the sample of glass dad gave me for a few hours. I ran it through every know database and got no hit.

"Damn it."

Then I thought maybe if I can't get the identity I can at least get identifying characteristics from the DNA left on the glass.

I ran it through the system.





I clicked on the link that popped up that displayed the results.



"What the-. You've got to be shitting me." I said I out loud rolling my eyes at the screen. Well at least that narrows it down. It some kid...who for some reason loves sandwiches. Great now I'm hungry.

I walked downstairs to the living room to see Pepper and my dad laughing and drinking wine watching their favorite show together. I smiled. It was nice seeing my dad and Pepper together.

I walked to the counter and saw a few freshly hot boxes of pizzas.

"Grace!" Pepper said with a smile. "Hey hun wanna sit and watch the show with us?"

"Nah I'm good I'm doing some work down in the lab just came down to grab a bit to eat."

"Well we ordered your favorite from Joe's it's the box on the bottom." My dad said turning around smiling and pointing to the counter.

"Margarita pizza extra sauce?"

"With fresh basil." Pepper said making me smile as she remembered the small little detail I love in my pizza.

"Thanks guys." I said as I grabbed the Pizza box.

"Don't stay up too late!" Pepper said. I really love Pepper she's been such a good mother figure and reminds me a lot of my mom. She even took me to Georgia last year to leave flowers for my mom.

"Don't worry I won't I'm just finishing up something." I said as I started walking out of the room and back to the lab to try and find out who this spider guy is.

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