The Avengers Initiative

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[Grace's POV]

Me and dad were down in the lab working on the file Uncle Coulson left us.

"So this guy was part of an experiment Grandpa helped on." I asked referring to the man in a red white and blue uniform a.k.a Captain America.

"Yup and your grandfather never shut up about him." Dad said. Talking about his dad is kind of a sensitive subject we never like to bring up but I'm always curious.

"What happened between you and your dad?" I asked.

"Do we have to talk about it right now Grace?" He said reading a paper.

"Well you never really talk about him only about Grandma so I'm just curious about learning about your side of the family."

He sighed.

"Your Grandfather and I didn't have the best relationship. He was always distant, kind of cold. I was always sent away from home to different boarding schools in Europe while he was here focusing on the future that he never had time to spend with his own son." He said getting angry that he lost focus.

"I'm sorry dad."

He sighed.

"No I'm sorry, I didn't mean to lash out at you monkey. It's just I always vowed to myself that I would be a different type of father than him but here I am obsessing over work. Working on something that is going to put my family in danger."

"Don't worry Dad your fine, we're fine."

He gave me a weak smile.

"You see this blue cube. My dad called it the Tesseract. It's power is unmatched, unknown, and extremely dangerous.The last time it was seen was when Steve Rogers crashed a plane in the arctic. Now it's back."

"Well it says here that S.H.I.E.L.D. Was working with it when all of a sudden it opened a portal bringing a being over who ended up stealing the tesseract. It looks like he's Asgardian." I said. "What was S.H.I.E.L.D. Doing with it anyways?'

"I don't know, but what I do know is the real reason is definitely not on these files."

"You think they're holding back?" I questioned.

"I do. Question is why?"

"Here." I said tossing him a couple of small metal circles. "Stick these near a main computer with unrestricted access and I will be able to remotely download data and comb through it to see what it is we are really up against."

My dad smiled at me.

"What?" I said.

"Nothing, it's just I'm kinda having a proud dad moment here." I smiled at his comment.


(The Next Morning)

I woke up and headed downstairs to the lab to find my dad drinking a cup of coffee.

"Please tell me you haven't been here all night." I said wondering if my dad got any rest.

"Guilty as charged." He said smirking.


"I know, I know, I need to get sleep but I do gotta say I haven't just been looking over the file I was also tinkering with the new suit."

"Have you figured out how to calibrate it to come to your remotely?"

"Not yet still working out the bugs."

"Maybe I can take a look at it later?"

"Knock yourself out, just be careful."

"I know, I know. Why all of a sudden are you working on the suit."

"Cause I think I might have to join in on all the fun. I don't think consulting was all Coulson had in mind last night."

"Wait what?" I said concerned.

"Don't worry monkey I'll be gone only two days. Happy is coming over to look after you."

"Dad I'm 11 don't you think I'm too old for a babysitter."

"Nope." He said nonchalantly getting up and walking upstairs.

"Wait what? Can we at least discuss this?" I said hoping he would hear me as he was walking up the stairs.

"We just did." He yelled.

I sighed.


(2 Hours Later)

"Dad are you sure I can't come?" I said as dad had packed a bag and was preparing the current functional Iron Man suit.

"Listen monkey, I need you hear, I know you wanna help but the best way that you can help is from the safety of home. You've already gotten hurt once because of me. I'm not going to let that happen again."

"Dad that was four years ago and I was okay."

"Grace it doesn't matter if it was four years ago, twenty years ago, you will always still be my little girl that I need to look out for. Plus I really need you to finish the suit. I have a feeling the old rust bucket hear won't last me that long." He said chucking referring to his beaten down old suit.

"I know dad and I'll get it done."

"Remember if anything happens or if anyone comes here you get to the pod. It will take you to a remote location where you'll be safe."

"I know, I know." I said.

There was a knock on the door. My dad opened it to reveal Happy.

"Who's ready for a Downton Abbey Marathon?" Happy said entering the room with a boatload of snacks.

"I'm going to head out be safe." Dad said

"Hey kid, were going to have a fun time this weekend. Hey we might even go crazy and order Chinese takeout!" Happy said weirdly excited.

"I think we'll be fine." I whispered to my dad as I hugged him goodbye.


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