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There was a huge mess in jeon Inc. Papers were scattered on the table , empty coffee cans were littered amidst all employees sat clutching their heads as heavy dark circles adorned their eyes .

Exactly a floor above , there sat jeon jungkook CEO of the company eyes fixed on the screen of MacBook. Worry was written all over his face . He was just hoping to not bring this issue in his father 's knowledge.

Heavy boots clinked the marble floor indicating the presence of someone more superior as he heard his bodyguards scurrying to make a space for other to enter .

" good morning my dear son " jeon jaehyun greeted with dislike etched on his face.
He let his gaze linger around the office trying to control his rage .

" dad ... what are you doing here " jungkook fumbled on his seat making a way towards where his  dad stood with piercing eyes.

" our company is close to bankrupt and here you are asking me what business i have here " he glared at his son who had his face hung low .

" Iam sorry for this.. I swear  I'll do everything right..." jungkook bowed his head trying to get an appeal .

" I trusted my company in your hands and look what you did... you couldn't even trace a single risk.. what is your auditing team doing " he screamed on top of his lungs . Jungkook flinched a little after all his dad is only person he is scared of .

" we were tried our best dad .... it's one of our employee who misplaced the data bringing rage to Kims " he said apologetically.

" Kims called me this morning announcing the cancellation of this collaboration.. ohs are even  selling our company 's shares..... " jeon jaehyun was pacing back and forth in the room .

" Kim's were the only hope ... our Company 's valuation is already steeping low we can't afford another loss here " jaehyun sat on the chair where jungkook previously sat .

" I'll definitely do something " jungkook bowed again.

" you must be good at everything but this is business ... it's not a luck game. You need to careful when you are dealing with rich people... " jaehyun said. He now rolled a cigar , taking small puffs .

" you better go and announce emergency board meeting right away ... and yeah! I'll be leading it today " jaehyun said walking out of the room .

Jungkook punched the table once his dad was gone. He screamed pulling his hairs harshly .

It took him whole five minutes to regain his senses as he dialed his secretary 's number.

A petite lady in late 20s entered the room holding an iPad. She had waist- length dirty blonde hairs tied in a bun . White shirt tucked in brown pencil skirt , one look and you know she is an European.

" Matilda , call board members and announce an emergency meeting.... " jungkook yelled making the poor short lady flinch on her place.

" yes sir " she said .

" did anyone get a trace of Kim's file " he asked hoping affirmation.

" sorry sir .. we are still trying... " she said expecting to leave the dreadful place as soon as possible .

" I dont know why dad hired an useless staff who can't even do their duty accordingly... " after All he had to vent out the frustration on someone .

" sorry sir " she bowed apologetically.

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