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Paris - a city of fashion,  city of old monuments, city of beauty and what else ...

the more years passed the more it was being called as city of Kims.. The strong and High in power they had their own regime with steady amount of partisans.

Kim sunghoon - CEO of Kim's where their strong network swept across Europe ,africa and Asia currently Tryna hold on America , north and south .

They owned monopoly of fashion, infrastructure, food commodities , banking , jewelleries , exports and imports , technology and pure African timber.

When Kim sunghoon's wife passed giving birth to an omega son , he announced staying as a widower forever as the vivacious omega ruled his heart and he didn't wish to replace her with another person.

Kim taehyung- grew up with the privelage of being only heir to Kim group . Unlike other kids of his age he was curious about the things that would cause carnage or gore .

He prefered holding pistol than pen.

He watched sadist movies where all other omegas loved romantic .

He enjoyed dominating People , he enjoyed seeing people in pain , he loved seeing blood besmirched on floor , he loved all the evils of destroying human .

Taehyung wore a red leather jacket over black turtleneck tucked well in same coloured trousers . One hand in pocket and  other rolling the keys of Lamborghini.

As he entered the lavish office of his father 's situated in the heart of the city , every employee stood in respect greeting the young master .

Taehyung enjoyed all of these , it gave him sense of superiority .

" doing well dad " taehyung asked entering the office without knocking the door . He walked straight towards the coach resting his petite yet strong body on it .

" when I have a son who takes care of every problem , Iam super fine " sunghoon said smiling at his son dearly . Taehyung chuckled in return.

" Iam hoping to see you in a grand opening of my new hotel in West in tomorrow night  " taehyung said flipping the pages of some business magazine . He was not at all astonished to see his father ruling the front cover with ' kim sunghoon invests to become a major shareholder in timtac technology ' this is an everyday news for now.

" you will find me there ... " sunghoon announced looking nervous , he seemed to be in deep thoughts .

" off I go then..." Taehyung straightened himself noticing the serenity of room .

" son ...." sunghoon stopped making taehyung growl. The Word 'son ' is uttered whenever he wanted some gruesome business done by him .

It's been three years taehyung is managing the dirty business of Kim's.  When killing and coercion was his hobby sunghoon asked him to put it productively, for clearing his and company 's name from all the illegal activities.  For his expectation , taehyung did well. He never failed him for once and sunghoon was more than proud to have him as his son .

" with whom did you mess up this time ..." Taehyung sat back on the coach . He preferred details to work on the task .


Taehyung wiped the knife clean after killing a government official who collected enough evidences against kims illegal business of supplying drugs to the cities like Bangkok and las Vegas.

The whimpers and cries were heard from the dead person 's wife and their daughter who was no less than 5 years . Poor girl just saw her father 's neck getting slitted . Both of them looked at taehyung with detest .

" now ... now.. if you don't want to meet the same fate like his , you better keep your mouth shut ... " taehyung said standing straight as his men hurried to make a way . He sauntered towards the duo who were shivering in hate and pain . Their eyes held fear when the omega placed the knife on lady's neck , putting a light pressure.

" did I make it clear? " taehyung asked looking deep inside other 's eyes who nodded her head frantically .

The little girl was too young and naive to understand the stupid logic of 'who in power wins the game ' .

" I'll grow up and kill you " the girl was too brave for taehyung 's liking .

He kneeled to be face to face with the girl as she wiped the tears , ready to fight with the murderer of her dad .

The lady mouthed 'no ' ' please,  she is just a kid ' but taehyung ignored all of her pleads as he placed the tip of knife on the girl's neck.

" what is your name girl " taehyung asked menacingly.

" I will not tell " she yelled pushing the omega who fell back on the ground .

" you piece of shit" taehyung was about to stab the kid but her mother wrapped herself around the little girl protectively.

" she just a kid please " she yelled as tears streamed down her eyes.

" please ... dont kill her " she begged hugging her daughter close .

Taehyung pulled the woman 's hairs making her yelp in pain .

" do you know who iam .... my dad never raises his hand on me , my teachers never punished me and this filthy daughter of yours dared to push Kim taehyung to floor... tell me how can I forgive her " Taehyung yelled  as he pushed her hard to the floor.

" please... I will do anything to make it up with you ..  just dont kill her ... Please " she cried her wails resonating the walls of the apartment.

" okay " taehyung stood up throwing the knife at one of his men .

" you will tell police that you killed your husband.... reason , you come up with one " taehyung said holding the little girl by her neck . The poor kid struggled under the strong grip of beautiful omega .

" I can't... my daughter will be left alone.." she said holding taehyung 's legs .

" can you afford to see another person dying in the cold hands of mine ..." Taehyung grip on the girl's neck tightened. Tears formed in her eyes as she struggled to breath .

" my mother died giving birth to me can't you even go to prison for your daughter to survive " taehyung said making the poor mother nod her head in agreement.

" words ... " taehyung screamed .

" yes .... yes ..  I killed my husband .. I will go to prison ... release my daughter " she cried in agony.

Taehyung pushed  the girl who passed out on the floor . He threw one glare at the mother- daughter duo before leading his men out of the door .

He let his nose touch the cold glass of his limousine as it sped on the busy roads of Paris at night. He was happy tonight and when he is happy he visits the club,  get drunk and let's his emotions go haywire. 

" can we skip the club thing tonight " Jimin, his only managed  and his only friend said with glint of fear in his eyes .

If taehyung cared a little bit for any person other than his dad is Jimin. The other omega always proved to be loyal and helpful whenever needed. Being born in the same year he prefered calling him friend than manager.

Despite the friendship being 5 years old for 24 years old omega he still hesitated to place his request without any fear .

" did you forget how we celebrate our victory " Jimin chuckled at the word victory. Taehyung loved calling every murder of his as triumph after waging the war with someone who don't know how to hold a sword .

" I feel feverish.." Jimin said to which taehyung nodded .

A/N : please drop your opinions !

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