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Jungkook was flying in air , that's how he felt all the while he was running. His legs were Close to giving up but he didn't stop .

He didn't steal anything unlike the younger who was metres ahead him. Still he was running for an escape.

The passed by many people who gave them weird looks . The man who was robbed was calling them by ' bastards ' while trying to get a hold of them .

Taehyung was screaming in victory as If he just won a FIFA cup.

" taehyung stop " jungkook yelled loudly as his  legs were giving up now .

Finally after what felt like an eternity taehyung stopped in a deserted ally hands on knees as he panted .

All three of them took few minutes to catch breath before they can start some action .

" give back my wallet you fucker " the man in his early 40s roared .

" are you an athlete " taehyung asked standing straight .

" I run pretty well but Iam not .. Now give me my wallet " the man walked forward in anger.

The alley was dimly illuminated and it looked a down area of city.

" what if I won't " taehyung smirked wiping the speck of dust off the worn out wallet.

" enough taehyung " jungkook grabbed the wallet off younger and gave it to the man .

" is there anyway we can compensate you for what happened " jungkook asked making taehyung roll his eyes in anger .

The man looked grateful for a second before he smirked taking a better look of younger.

" I want him for an hour " the man said licking his lips eye raping taehyung .

" you ------" jungkook clenched a fist and aimed other 's jaw but before he can hit ,a leg collided with other 's important area earning a ear splitting scream .

Jungkook 's fist was in the air which he retreated soon after realisation hit him .

He can never protect taehyung in matters as such , the thought hit him like train .

The man was on the floor writhing in pain and taehyung was looking at him like a interesting book.

" you bitch " the man said balancing himself to sit .

" does it hurt " taehyung asked as if he is regarding a kid .

" you fucker " the man growled trying to hit taehyung .

Taehyung sliced other 's neck with side of his hand and the man slipped down on the floor closing his eyes .

Taehyung lit a cigratte and stood up stuffing his hands in pockets .

" is .. is he dead " jungkook asked trying to find a CCTV camera.  Then they will be dead meat.

Taehyung stood chilling and enjoying his stick. Jungkook crouched down to check on other 's pulse .

" he is not dead ..." Taehyung said gesturing other to follow him.

" are you sure " jungkook asked as he walked with other reluctantly .

" I know which hit leads to what ... I have been doing this since long jungkook " taehyung said squishing the cigratte with his foot .

" is this any sort of your torture " jungkook asked.

" no it's like sedatives... when I don't want to deal with cries and whimpers I do this .. whossh! They are calm " taehyung said placing the side of his palm on other 's neck.

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