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That's all jungkook is trying to do lately . He is trying to avoid taehyung and also gayoung .

He just wishes for peace and that's why he spends lots of his time in office working till he is wretched .

God always had other plans when dealing with jungkook 's problems. The most dreading moment is here , the moment he never wished it came.

He forced himself to kim mansion along with  gayoung and his parents.

" wow.. it's beautiful " gayoung gasped as the car slided inside the gate .

" poor people and their exclamation over nothing " Mrs jeon remarked with smug.

" mom.. not now atleast " jungkook gritted his teeth. His nervousness is on peak and he dont have any patience left to deal with his mom 's taunts.

" don't act all excited there.. what  will they think about us " Mr jeon added .

Gayoung looked down feeling sad despite her hearing such taunts every other day.

" if it was not Mr Kim 's request I would never have got you here " Mrs jeon shook his head in disappointment.

" what ... Mr Kim asked gayoung to be here " jungkook asked getting alarmed. His brain enough assumptions to his brain within a second .

"He called telling how you are missing her " Mr jeon said as he got down from the vehicle.

Jungkook sat stiff with train of thoughts. One thing is sure and that Mr Kim was not okay with their trip. He enjoyed hurting taehyung .

" kook " gayoung called him and he got down bottoming his blazer .

" stay by me all the time " she said clutching his hand tight. She don't enjoy being around rich people. She simply hate their guts and vibes.

" I will " jungkook said intertwining his  hand wuth hers. She smiled laying her head on his bicep.

Mr Kim welcomed him and guided them towards dining room after a brief talk .

" I can't see your son " Mr jeon said, eyes everywhere.

" my son is quite  busy lately " sunghoon said eyeing jungkook. He maintained an eye contact with smug .

Jungkook was perplexed on how the Kim was wickedly smiling at him . He cleared his throat to divert the gaze of sunghoon but the man's eyes never left his.

The dinner was laid and they picked food of their choice placing it in plates.

Jungkook was glad to not have younger Kim in the room.

" party without taehyung " taehyung entered the room spinning his Lamborghini 's Keys. He sat ahead of Jung kook not giving older any sort  of attention .

" we were asking about you to your father " Mrs jeon smiled at him to add her number in Kim's list.

" really.. not everyone are glad to see me ... isn t it jungkook " taehyung said eyeing the older who choked on his food.

" why will jungkook not be pleased " Mr jeon asked nervously . Being on minus list will cost them more than they can ever imagine .

" why don't you say something mr" taehyung asked looking at Jung kook.

" iam sorry if my actions implied otherwise " jungkook said bowing his head in respect .

" Mr jeon you know something " the old man looked excited upon mention.

" sorry's are quite cheap in market lately " taehyung said and the old man hesitated before nodding his head .

" but I like you ... you are different and cool " taehyung winked at the old man and he was highly flustered.

Taehyung picked a piece of meat and observed gayoung. The other he coudln t see her properly yesterday.  She was pretty with innocence written on her face . She was decent and composed . He was jealous,  jealous of her . No matter how hard he try to calm his mind he misses jungkook . He misses their days and every moment where they acted like drunk teenagers . Breaking rules, violating principles . He wants those days back and the only stone on the path is gayoung.

Gayoung whispered something in jungkook 's ear and he smiled knowingly at her .

Taehyung could feel anger seep in his body,  numbing all the other senses. Instinctively he pushed his glass and water across the table dripping on the bodies of jungkook and gayoung through smooth edges.

" are you okay " sunghoon asked his son . Who sat stiff looking down in his plate .

" how do I look " taehyung asked raising his head and looking at his dad intimidately.

" I think you should go home and rest " sunghoon said but taehyung ignored his words focusing on the food .

After the dinner jungkook excused himself for the washroom. He dried his hands and walked out to see taehyung leaning on the wall in an empty hallway .

" she is pretty " taehyung commented looking down at his shoes.

" I know she is ..." Jungkook said trying to walk away but taehyung stopped him midway .

" we are not done speaking yet" taehyung said pushing jungkook back .

" what's there to speak " jungkook asked rolling his eyes.

" you pushed the glass In jealously.. i know .. and I don't have any thing to talk to you " jungkook said raising his voice.

" you are soo full of yourself aren't you " taehyung laughed throwing his head back.

" what do you think... I like you" taehyung mocked walking impossibly close to other .

" then what was that " jungkook gritted his teeth.

" name it any thing but a result of jealousy " taehyung said getting his teeth.

" taehyung please ... let me live peacefully " jungkook said trying to go but taehyung pushed him back again.

Taehyung moved closer pinning other to the wall as he leaned forward.

" when you set anything on fire it takes time for flames to grow tall and when you pour water on the it,  it also takes time to remain as ash " taehyung said. Jungkook was confused and before he can comment on it taehyung attacked other's lips for a fierce kiss .

Jungkook tried pushing other but he didn't because deep down he also wished for the very thing.

They Broke the kiss till their hearts were contended with and till their mouth tasted one another .

" any one can walk In" Jung kook said pushing other but taehyung stood stiff . Enjoying the warmth and company of other.

" I don't care " taehyung whined.

" taehyung please... your dad can ruin me " jungkook said trying to calm the insane kid .

" do you only live for business " taehyung asked in irritation.

" do you like me taehyung " jungkook asked looking into other 's eyes.

" what the hell" taehyung kinda screamed.

" then what was that about " jungkook asked finding the answer.

" you kissed back too... do you like me " taehyung asked back.

" then we should probably forget everything " jungkook said pushing other.

What they didn't know was someone was watching them all the time.

A/N: check my other books if possible

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