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Jung kook parked his car outside a Korean restaurant . Taehyung scrunched his nose upon taking the exterior. He was used to five star and seven star restaurants .

" this " taehyung asked pointing his finger towards the shop.

" this is the best restaurant which serves Korean food in entire Paris" Jung kook parked the car.

" I hope the food don't disappoint me "

Taehyung was simply looking at the menu . He was having hard time picking food .

" I have placed an order for us " jungkook chuckled and grabbed other 's attention.

Jungkook simply felt like looking at the pretty face. He already has memorized every feature of taehyung yet everytime he is looking at younger he learns like its the first time .

" I know Iam pretty .. stop looking at me like that " taehyung looked away trying to get rid of the hot feeling .

Jungkook chuckled but didn't stop looking at other.

" jeon jungkook" taehyung picked the spoon and hit it on other 's forehead.

" that hurts " jungkook winced in pain.

" and I hit you to get hurt " taehyung sticked his tongue out .

" which brat thought you that " jungkook asked like a strict father .

" I already have a dad so don't try becoming one " taehyung said in a boring tone .

" and he is quite enough for us " jungkook chuckled. He don't want taehyung to know what his dad offered him .

" a lot .. I know he can be too much sometimes" taehyung said looking down .

The food was set on table and this picture reminded him of bethelene. The only person he relied on his hard times. The person who loved him like his own son. But then one find day she was found dead , he still don't know how and who did that. If he looks carefully into the matter he can get all the answers but he don't another firm reason to hate his dad.

He toyed with knives and chopsticks when jungkook served them food .he was also grilling meat , samgyeopsal.

" ouch " taehyung winced . The knife was sharp enough to draw a cut on his finger.

" careful" jungkook stood up and grabbed a tissue wrapping it around his wounded finger .

Jimin cares for him exactly the same way Jung kook does maybe more than this man but he never feels butterflies , he never feels happy, he never want to get hurt again just to he cared like this .

Then why ?

What makes jungkook special?

Why is he weak for his touch ?

Why he lets his guards down despite the betrayal?

Why he wants to change himself?

He keep asking these very questions to himself every morning and everytime his mind stops by thus face.

" what were you doing with it " jungkook asked wiping the blood and asking one of the worker to get a band aid.

Taehyung wasn't hurting at all yet he maintained a painful expression ... just for his attention. He wants to secure Jung kook for himself, only for his eyes to see and his hands to touch.

The first time in his life he asked for something that he can never get...

Bile formed in his throat and he pushed the chair off to reach nearest washroom. He emptied his stomach in the bowl and clutched his stomach.

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