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Not a bit proud!

Taehyung tossed the tablet in his mouth and gulped entire glass of water. He pulled the papers out of the envelope and started going through it.

It was obviously written He is pregnant but he is no position to accept this fact and it appears to be lie.

His phone pinged and pulled it out see a text from his father.

You have to meet this person I've sent for you.

Taehyung twisted his face and shrugged. His father knows he don't hold meetings at home. He tossed the phone away and focused his attention on papers.

Just then there was the arrival of the guest. He placed paper weight over the papers and opened the door to find none other than- jeon gayoung.

Taehyung gave her an unwelcoming smile which she gave back in return.

Without his guidance she took a seat on couch and gestured other to sit. He snickered at the way she was acting all bossy .

" yes madam " taehyung asked taking chair ahead. She shot him a glare which he returned back . They were having battle with eyes and he made sure to retaliate well.

" I have to talk to you " she said resting her bag next to her .

" of course-- I dont think we are here to enjoy a movie " taehyung rolled his eyes.

" let me not beat around the bush. I want you to stay away from jungkook" she said meeting other's eyes .

Taehyung laughed loudly throwing his hands in air.

" oh yeah-- so you think I run behind jungkook. What an imagination " taehyung smirked.

" I know every thing what happened between two in hawaii" she chuckled shaking her head.

" yes-- we played football, rode a horse and binge watched horror movies. That's it or Iam missing something " taehyung asked resting on the chair in comfortable position.

" stop fooling me taehyung, Iam older than you " gayoung said .

" you are quite confident I see. Sitting in my house and calling me by name " taehyung chuckled.

" oh come on--- we are sharing a man now . I believe we should be friends now, shouldn't we " gayoung laughed hitting her hand on table .

Taehyung was totally taken aback by her boldness all he did was laugh unbelievably.

"Friends-- thank you for your efforts but I politely reject it " taehyung stood up .

" Iam quite busy for now and I really want you to leave before i exert violence " taehyung rolled his eyes at her and walked out of the room.

He quickly dashed to toilet as his bladder was about to burst. After a quick business he walked out to see the woman sitting in the very position but this time her head hung low.

" I cannot give you any special treatment so just get out of my house " taehyung ordered standing infront of the lady.

She looked up and to his surprise her eyes held an ocean. She sniffed standing up making the bewildered taehyung back off a feet.

" listen--- I love jungkook more than you can imagine. Stop playing dirty games to make him stop for you " she sniffed and taehyung offered her the tissue that was laid on the table.

" I don't have any plans as such" taehyung said sternly . Honestly he was irritated by her all these crying drama.

" does he know about this " she asked Pointing his finger at her stomach.

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