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Brace yourself for a long chapter and don't hate me after reading it.

I will not place any warnings as it will simply ruin the fun so please be ready for everything.

They say when a person suffers from a heartbreak they feel like a part of them is dead.

Didn't taehyung felt this before too . Why he is going through the entire emotional hurricane again.

Why is he feeling to die .

"Its--- alright" taehyung spoke to himself when he stumbled on his steps .

His vision was already blurred with the tears and his head was throbbing in pain.

He slid down on the floor, once again the loneliness eating him out. He was in state where he struggled for cure which isn t jungkook.

Why ?

Jungkook hates him and he will never get to see him again.

" he hates you---- stop thinking about him" taehyung's fist collided with his chest and with each passing minute the pace drastically increased to the point his chest hurt and was probably red with all the abuse.

" don't cry " he wiped his tears and slapped his cheeks as in consoling himself.

His inner self screaming to take a step like he usually did. Kidnap older and lock him somewhere where no body can find.

But what after that----

He likes jungkook for the way he is--- the company. The smiles , their adventure.

Jimin 's words rang over and over again making him lay on the cold floor. He folded his legs closer to his chest and stared at the nothing. His head was heavy and he felt like the most miserable human to exist in the world at this moment.

He was asked by doctor to not take any sort of stress but man-- who loves taking stress, its comes rent free.

He expected something as such would come from jungkook but when it came he couldn't bear the pain that clawed his chest.

He dont know if he is disappointed or hurt. The only thing he knows is he don't want to move an inch from the place.


Jungkook drove the car in utter silence. He can feel gayoung's eyes on him . At this moment he don't want to think about anything or ask her why was she even there and who sent her.

Isn't that obvious?

" I thought you would apologise" she broke the silence with her heavy voice.

" for what " jungkook asked without sparing a glance at other. The person whom he loved with everything once.

" for whatever happened between you and---- taehyung" she said. The confidence that once took over her senses seemed to evaporate in air. She appeared confused and helpless this instant.

" who told you that " his tone stern.

" that's-- that's not important. What you did with him is important" she said.

His brain was still stuck on taehyung who would leave the country my midnight.

All of sudden Paris and taehyung appeared more tempting than any wealth of the world. This time his brain and entire senses pleaded for happiness than any luxury that Mr Kim can offer.

" I dont want to talk to you about him " jungkook said after couple of seconds.

" I am your wife-- we love each other remember " she sniffed and continued to cry.

ONLY IF IT WAS YOU ♤VKOOK FF♤√Where stories live. Discover now