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You are like a mountain. Close to see far to touch !

Jungkook parked the car just outside taehyung 's building. Younger was deep in sleep and light snores can be heard.

" taehyung " jungkook shook other 's shoulder lightly. As much as he appreciates this little sleep this is not a right place .

Taehyung stirred up after couple of attempts. He yawned loudly making jungkook chuckle.

" I need to go " jungkook grabbed his phone.

" can you drop me by my room " taehyung asked getting down.

Previous night they were in park crying their hearts out and today it seems like a beautiful chapter of another book .

"Let's go"

Taehyung dropped himself on couch and kicked his shoes away.

" it was great " taehyung said.

" yeah it was.. kinda felt like Deja vu" jungkook sat next to him.

" you always make me wonder if Iam mentally stable or not " taehyung chuckled getting up to get some alcohol.

" no alcohol today please " jungkook was quick to stop other by wrist.

" ah fine captain " he slumped next to him.

" once I said to my teacher she looks like a horse and she got so offended to the point she started crying later I got to know she just had her plastic surgery which failed .. "

" woah that was rude .." Jungkook can't believe taehyung said something so offensive to his teacher.

" another time i threatened school bully with knife... That boy who had entire school on his tip of finger peed in the cafeteria " taehyung laughed clapping his hands.

" you were scary.. how can you do that " jungkook asked like he is totally unaware of younger's behaviour.

" I dont know ... I found relief in people 's misery... I dont if that was because I felt powerful or because it convinced Iam not the only person in pain " taehyung was deep in thoughts . It still amazes him how he opens up so easily when he is around other.

Jungkook squeezed his hand and pulled their body closer. He cupped his cheek and look at other intently.

" no person is born bad .. society shapes them to be one.. people contaminate us and give us a title .. knowingly or unknowingly we start moulding into their expectations... you can a bring a change in yourself if you want to " jungkook said.

" what's the point ... you won't be there for me " taehyung sulked.

" I dont want you to change for me .. change for yourself.. you cannot live like this rest of your life " jungkook explained.

" I can't do this alone.. I dont know why.. I need you in my life jungkook" taehyung pushed jungkook 's hands off his chin .

" I can be there ... I will be there.. I'll be your best friend... the world is large and someone anywhere will be there made up for you .. he will love you for your past , present and will build future witj you " jungkook said even when his heart clenched in pain.

" I already have one friend "

" a person can have more than one friend " jungkook insisted .

" jungkook please don't . .. Ian better the way Iam.. you will be gone and my hate for you will keep me surviving.. your love will only make me weak ... I dont want to take any worst decisions now "

" some times , some people are not meant to be together.. Its better if we maintain safe distance and move on " jungkook rubbed his thumb on other 's hand .

" doesn't your heart pain when you say this ... you are loser"

" you can't say that ... Ian trying to help "

" for your information... I dont like you and i don't need any help .. Iam fine as wine " taehyung quickly composed flipping his hair.

" you are sweetest " jungkook said ruffling other 's hair.

" I'll get going.. sleep well and don't come up another plan of sending me jail.. think something else " jungkook chuckled.

" listen fine ... Iam okay with what you proposed " taehyung said when jungkook gripped the handle of door.

" I mean the friendship thing " taehyung said rubbing his nape.

" Ian sorry "

" not again.. I still want to hate you to the core "

" fine "

" see you at work tomorrow "

Once jungkook left he picked his phone to see 8 missed calls from jungkook's father.

" yes Mr jeon" older picked with first ring.

"Thank you soo much .. I am forever grateful for your help " the man looked awfully happy .

" oh... that's nothing.. but jungkook will work and not you "

"Anything you say ... your dad also gave us the cheque as advance payment "

" you must be in sky nine "

" all because of you "

" whatever ... you don't forget your words "

Taehyung scoffed throwing his phone. This entire thing is unbelievable. How a dad is ready to trade his son for some money.

" my dad is better than yours jungkook.. yours is sly fox " taehyung chuckled.

Again his stomach started to grumble and he sprinted towards washroom to empty his stomach.

" fucking Ferris wheel .. Iam going to destroy all this filth from Paris today "

Jungkook entered the room with an endearing smile. His interaction with taehyung was still fresh . He is always proud when younger shows his actual side to him and nobody else . He fucking wants to flaunt it badly today .

" jungkook, can we talk " he heard gayoung speak . She was sitting on the edge with her nightwear.

" Iam tired at this moment " jungkook excused.

" you didn't even go to work ... what's happening"

" gayoung please "

" I want to know if ... if you are seeing anyone behind my back " she started crying . She cries quite easily and now she has a reason.

" what..."

" you look fresh and you were smiling when you entered now you are tired by looking my face "

" its not what you are assuming "

" I want to know the truth .. you aren't touching me either . You sleep at the edge of the bed and avoid me like some disease "

" can you shut up ... what ever Iam doing right these days is just for you ... Iam sacrificing my own happiness to give you a better life without my parents constant torture .. Iam doing all these for a peaceful life " jungkook raised his voice.

" what do you mean by happiness jungkook.. I thought your happiness is me .. I dont want anything lavish.. Just you stay with me. I can tolerate your parents constant taunts if you promise to be mine and mine only.. " gayoung never gets out of control . Seems like jungkook 's absence is making her go livid.

" Ian sorry for that " jungkook escaped without any further explanation.

A/N: how was it?

Thank you for over 12K reads !! Is anyone watching fifa world cup? Iam so into it already

25 11 2022

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